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YMMV / Okja

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  • Aluminum Christmas Trees: The ALF is actually a real organization.
  • Anvilicious: To say this film is not subtle in its dislike for meat eaters or food manufacturers would be an understatement. Outlets like Variety stated that the film's heavy-handedness proved to be a massive flaw.
  • Ho Yay: Blond and Silver. The exact nature of their relationship is never made explicit, but the two seem very close. Blond holds Silver in his arms quite a bit, and pushes him to eat when he's starving. Hints of it with Jay and K's interactions.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Lucy Mirando. She is a selfish person that has done barely anything, if at all, to end animal cruelty in her slaughterhouses, but she does try to be as diplomatic and reasonable as possible when literally every other corporate character is some type of sociopath, and her father's legacy is that of literal war crimes. Ultimately, she's forced to surrender control of the company to her ruthless sister.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Okja's forced mating.
  • Squick: Seeing Okja defecate is kind of gross on its own, but then we get a close-up of her anus as she's pooing.
  • Tear Jerker: The two superpigs pushing their piglet through the fence to safety. The poor thing doesn't understand what's happening and tries to run back to his parents, only for Okja to stop him.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: The titular creature herself does look very real, especially in close-ups.
  • What Do You Mean, It's Not for Kids?: A story about a young girl who is separated from her animal best friend and has to go on an adventure-filled journey to find her and return back home sounds like a heartwarming kids' movie, doesn't it? The thing is that this movie also has graphic depictions of animal experiments and slaughter, as well as forced mating and violence against human activists. The not-for-kids aspect is at least reinforced by the dropping of an F-bomb within the first 10 minutes.
