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YMMV / Katy La Oruga

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  • Nightmare Fuel: Alien X, the main bad guy from the sequel. Unlike Goliath the cat and Chester and Clyde the crows, he's a hungry predator who carries out his hunts quite effectively, kidnaps almost every single animal he comes across and even devours a butterfly on screen. He also has a pretty unsettling design, with two huge, malevolent and creepy red eyes, barely speaks at all and when he does (which is at the start of the movie), it's in an equally creepy raspy voice. There's the fact he also came dangerously close to fullfilling his mission of catching multiple animals to bring them to his planet so his kind could devour them.
  • Retroactive Recognition:
  • Moe: Katy has to be one of the cutest looking caterpillars in animation. Due to being constantly curious and very cheerful. The same can be said of her offspring, Kiki and Koko.
