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YMMV / Jubei-chan

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  • Angst Dissonance: Jiyu bemoans being The Chosen One and wants nothing to do with Yagyu Jubei's legacy. Most of the audience would love to have an eyepatch that transformed them into a buxom Master Swordsman.
  • Arc Fatigue: The show's most common complaint is that Jiyu never learns to just accept the Eyepatch already and her arc in the second season is essentially the same as the first but with different antagonists.
  • Contested Sequel: Season 2 had a very different tone from season 1; many characters did not return and it lacked the magical girl satire. That being said, it appealed to a different, more serious audience who prefers it to the original, making the question of whether it's an example of They Changed It, Now It Sucks! or Even Better Sequel a contested question.
  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic:
    • Jiyu. While her constant refusal of the Eyepatch is meant to be sympathetic, given that she did not consent to having it thrust upon her, she has trauma related to samurai stories given her backstory, and Jiyu is a pacifist who abhors violence, she often comes off as extremely selfish instead given that using the Eyepatch is the only way to help the tortured souls of those wronged by the original Yagyu Jubei get over their hatred and be at peace. Even worse, her friends and family get targeted by dangerous swordsmen over the Eyepatch and rather than fighting to protect them from the start, Jiyu tries to throw away the Eyepatch Once per Episode, which means she rarely has it when she needs it most and Koinosuke or Ayunosuke have to risk their lives over and over again to retrieve it for her. Jiyu may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but you'd expect her to learn after the first few times that keeping the Eyepatch on her person was the safest option.
    • Sai. When his wife was sick in bed and he was receiving multiple calls from Jiyu to come home, he dismissed his daughter's concerns and instead put all his effort into his ghost writing. By the time he got home, his wife had died with Jiyu by her side, traumatizing his daughter and leading her to hate anything related to samurai stories since Jiyu believes that Sai putting his focus on them killed her mother. While he does his best to patch up his relationship with Jiyu as she grows up, he kept his continued ghost writing a secret instead of telling her that he still does it because writing the samurai stories made him happy. He even slapped his daughter when he was lied to by Freesia, who told him that Jiyu had called his work fake since he writes novels only for another person to put their name on it. The slap triggers Jiyu's Heroic B So D to the point she doesn't recognize Sai and thinks Mikage is her mother. It isn't until the situation concerning Freesia is spelled out to him that he stops wallowing in self pity and goes off to find Jiyu and Mikage. After he finally finds them, he declares that he won't let anyone harm his daughter before scolding her for being a coward.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome:
