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WMG / The Parent Trap (1961)

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If a third American version of the Parent Trap happens at some point in the future...
There hasn't been any sort of remake announcement yet, so all of these are hypothetical, but it doesn't rule out the possibility of it happening eventually given Hollywood's ever-present trend of remakes, reboots and sequels, so just to be safe, here are some possibilities of what could happen if we do get a third version of The Parent Trap... which now looks set to happen as Disney has announced there are plans to do one on Disney Plus.

  • The main characters will be given a Race Lift, in that the twins will now be played by an actress of color (most likely black, mimicking what happened in Annie (2014)).
  • The movie will feature passing references to both the original Hayley Mills movies and the Lindsay Lohan remake (to the point of implying that all of the movies could take place in a single shared universe), but will focus on an entirely new family.
  • It will be brought back as a Disney Channel Original Movie and possibly be turned into a full-fledged musical, much like Freaky Friday.
  • Unlikely, but it could also be an animated movie. I'm surprised that there aren't that many animated adaptations of this kind of story, as it would make the Acting for Two aspect easier to pull off.
  • The Gold Digger villain will be gender flipped, and will target the mom instead of the dad. If the twins undergo a Race Lift, the villain will be kept white.
  • The parents could become a same-sex couple.
