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The Little Folks' Book Of Flower Fairies is a badly-researched, but serious, spotter's guide.
Interesting Times establishes that fiction is forbidden in the Agatean Empire, so Rincewind's (and the reader's) assumption that Twoflower's childhood favorite was a book of nursery stories is unlikely. Rather, it's an ostensibly non-fiction book written by someone who wanted to inform people about genuine Discworld "small folk", but simply didn't have a clue what they were talking about.
  • Or possibly - it might be as accurate, or as sincerely wrong, as Japanese attempts to make sense of Western social norms, culture, folklore, et c? (Not that the West does it any better when trying to interpret Japanese culture)

The baby Discs will eventually turn into a parody of Spinoff Babies
  • Too good to be false. Well, at least make a fanfic of this, someone?
  • And will they have four elphants? or - as a later book suggested - the default position might be five?
