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WMG / River City Girls

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If a "River City Girls 2" does happen....
  • Instead of Misako and Kyoko, it'll focus on a different two-girl duo. Some guesses for who it could be include;
    • Yoko and Hibari
    • Hasebe and Mami
      • If Hasebe and Mami do star in a sequel to this game, Misako and Kyoko will be a secret boss fight where that duo's Psycho Ex-Girlfriend tendencies are played up, and they will point out they were the protagonists of the last game.
  • Misako and Kyoko will be back and will feature 4 player co-op with the other players being Hasebe and Mami. And in this game story, Kunio and Riki are kidnapped again, this time by Sabu, who has escaped prison, forcing the real-girlfriends and ex-girlfriends to formed an Enemy Mine to rescue the boys.
    • Alternately, Kunio and Riki have blown off Hasebe and Mami as easily as they did Misako and Kyoko, leading all four girls to team up for some sweet revenge.
  • While it has been confirmed that Misako, Kyoko, Kunio and Riki will be playable again, the banner for River City Girls 2 also hints at Marian and Provie from River City Ransom: Underground, of all people!

Alternately, Kunio-tachi no Banka will get a remake
  • The true ending has already acknowledged the game's existence, despite its Japan-only status. With talks between WayForward and Arc System Works strongly hinting at a continued partnership to bring more Kunio-kun games, it's time for this classic gem to get the spotlight. The engine can be reused, for one.
    • Confirmed. It'll be released as River City Girls Zero, retaining its 16-bit look while adding new content to link it and RCG story-wise.

Godai set this whole thing up in order to disrupt or even take over the Yakuza.

As per the new ending for 1.1 The girls defeat reality by beating up Hasebe and Mami in the secret ending
  • Their fight with Hasebe and Mami in the update, which results in Kunio and Riki taking them out for food without mentioning Hasebe and Mami symbolizes the fight as an I Reject Your Reality scenario where Kyoko and Misako basically beat their way into the River City Ransom timeline where they were dating Kunio and Riki all along.
  • Another horrible possibility exists: Kunio and Riki might be two-timing the whole time.

Hasebe and Mami weren't that cruel and petty.
It's just Misako's and Kyoko's Through the Eyes of Madness. The same thing that warped their memories. Really, why would they be in the penthouse of a Yakuza Boss?

The sequel will involve the multiple, confusing timelines of Kunio-kun/River City collapsing in on themselves.
  • Furthermore, it will canonize all of endings of the first game in the process, including the Japanese variant of the normal one.

Possible bosses in River City girls 2
  • Hibari: Realising the gold is fake, she might go after the girls for revenge.
  • Abobo: this time hired to ACTUALLY kidnap to protagonist
  • Skullmageddon: A secret boss triggered if you steal something from his shop
  • Godai: the girls finds out that he tricked them leading to a boss fight
