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WMG / Dinosaur Planet

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The Carcharodontosaurus from "Alpha's Egg" are mates.
One of them is reddish like Dragonfly while the other is of a duller gray color just like Dragonfly's mate, a possible sign that they're a male and a female hunting together.

Pod caused the evolution of Hatzegopteryx in the setting

The abscence of Hatzegopteryx from the episode isn't a case of Science Marches On, as fossils of it are only known from 66 million years as opposed to the 80 million mark the episode is set in, and likely didn't even live at that point.

Perhaps offscreen Pod encountered flocks of small azhdarchids only slightly bigger then him but could easily drive and fight off, but over time larger individuals could resist him. Once he died, the bigger ones were at an advantage to hunt, and over the next 14 million years, long after Pod died, they would get bigger and bigger until the giant stalking Hatzegopteryx evolved.

While on it, the pressure Pod similarly put on the Magyarosaurus by being the top predator of Hateg made them evolve to the larger sizes the genus actually had.
