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Tropers / Katya Stevens

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Little Miss Know-It-All
-Yearbook nickname

Katya Stevens is a pseudonym of a British troper. I'm not really a know-it-all, but thanks to certain tendancies, I can appear to be a fountain of knowledge on any topics I'm interested in.

I've not launched any articles; I tend to be more of a reader/lurker than anything, but I do occasionally add comments about Max Steel, one of my main fandoms. Naturally, being a fandom favourite, I write fanfiction for it (and a couple of other fandoms).

Tropes that apply to me:

I Read (books, web/paper comics, manga):

I Play (video games):

I Watch (live-action shows, animated shows, movies):

Not all of these read/play/watch things I've kept up with over the years (and some I have trouble getting access to, but they are things I would consider favoured things to read, watch, or play again.
