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Trivia / Torchwood S 2 E 1 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

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  • Development Gag: The original name for the Torchwood series was "Excalibur". This is referenced when the team meets John Hart.
    John Hart: Do you have a team name? I love team names; go on.
    Jack Harkness: Torchwood.
    John Hart: Oh. Not Excalibur?
  • No Stunt Double: John Barrowman and James Marsters did 80% of their fight scene themselves.
  • Stunt Double: The scene with Jack falling off the building was performed by Curtis Rivers, John Barrowman's stunt double. Though Rivers made the stunt to make Jack "look good", Barrowman had to lie on a box over green screen.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Russell T Davies was originally scheduled to write this episode, but the job was passed on to Chris Chibnall. Davies conceived the opening segment of the episode featuring the blowfish and the sports car.
    • Originally, Captain John was going to come through the Rift on a "pandimensional surfboard" similar to the one found in "Boom Town", Chibnall changed it because the production team decided that "it would look cooler if John just calmly walked out of the Rift, as if it was the sort of thing he might do every day".
