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Trivia / Malice Mizer

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  • Breakup Breakout: Gackt. Mana, Közi and Klaha have all enjoyed varying degrees of success since the band's demise, but their accomplishments are dwarfed by Gackt's, who has gone on to become one of Japan's biggest-selling artists.
  • Creative Differences: Tetsu's departure appears to be a rare case of genuine creative differences (he wasn't wild about being in a Visual Kei band).
  • Creator Breakdown: Kami's sudden death in 1999 is speculated to be the inspiration behind the notably darker tone of Bara no Seidou.
  • Reclusive Artist: Klaha has been inactive musically since 2004, with him announcing a return in 2007 that never materialized. Mana tried and failed to get in contact with him for the band's 25th anniversary concerts.
