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Trivia / Klaanon

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  • There is a Klaanon Card game, in which many of the game mechanics come from the actual story, and characters' card effects often follow their original characterizations in the story.

Trivia Tropes:

  • Author Phobia: Things like Marionette exist mostly because his creator wound find faceless mannequins at shopping malls "simply being creepy as shit."
  • Growing the Beard: The whole project started out as a few sentences on forum messages, making it seem like a rather clumsy general online forum role playing game without real story construction. But right after Guardian posted his first post with proper storytelling, everybody else quickly took notes and started to develop their own writing styles as well, making the project into the rich fleshed out story it is today.
    • Many consider the simultaneous releases of Black Hand II and The Prophet's Kingdom to be a turning point for to the project itself as a whole. After that, the chapters became bigger and grander and plots advanced in an epic fashion.
  • Schedule Slip: Given a new trend of some of the project's writers having gone to start hyping their future releases for the story, goign as far as giving specified release dates to new bigger chapters. However, sometimes given releases can be delayed, but due to the whole thing being based more or so to the pure enjoyment of the writing itself as a hobby, this can be forgiven.
  • Teasing Creator: Quite few of the story's writers tend to slip into this, often through unclear or purposely misleading teaser material. Like holding back vital information about the Feterra when even the main cast clearly know it.
  • Working Title: Most of bigger chapter projects tend to have these. Sometimes these titles don’t have anything to do with anything.
