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Trivia / Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry

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  • The Other Darrin: By the time Dragon Cry premiered in Japan, King Toma E. Fiore's voice actor on all of his appearances in the TV series, Keiji Fujiwara, had been on medical leave. In this film, Toma is voiced by Wataru Takagi.
  • Refitted for Sequel: Zig-zagged as the manga was wrapping up around the time of the film's production, but the flashback shown in The Stinger is a scene that was ultimately cut from the manga due to time restraints, save a tiny Continuity Nod that was written into the story after the movie was released.
  • Studio Hop: Phoenix Priestess was distributed by Shochiku. For Dragon Cry, distribution was instead handled by Gaga Communications.
  • You Sound Familiar: Riana's English VA, Dawn M. Bennett, previously appeared as Frosch in the TV series.
