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Tear Jerker / Killer Frequency

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As is the case with all "Moments" pages, Spoilers Off applies!!!

  • In general, failing to save anybody will certainly make you feel terrible, like you could have done more to save them.
  • Eugine Stine's "I'm about to die a virgin!" line when Forrest gets started in trying to save him, while (bleakly) hilarious, is also a sobering reminder that this young man is a teenager. He's just starting out in life, and these should be some of the best years of his life... and it's a reminder that, if you're not careful, he won't get to have the rest of it. Whether you succeed or fail to save him, it's only further compounded by the strong implication that his date stood him up.
    • The entire mission is just as tense and heartrending, under the same vein; Eugine is sobbing and panicking the entire time, all while the Whistling Man is coldly trying to hunt him down with a chainsaw. The fact that you can only hear what's going on, rather than see it for yourself like most horror movies, just makes it all the more bonechilling to listen to. Naturally, all of this easily doubles as Nightmare Fuel, for the same reasons.
    • Also aside from him being targeted by the killer, the sudden reveal that both of his parents are dead is one hell of a Mood Whiplash.
  • As much of an ass as he was, Jimmy's death qualifies. His last moments are spent in absolute and abject terror (that's completely bloodcurdling to listen to, at that) as the Whistling Man butchers him in front of his friends, and at the end of the day, he was just a stupid kid- he didn't deserve to die for it. It's further sold by the sorrow Carrie and her friends express at his death (despite Carrie having been the main victim of his prank), and it's implied that, cruel pranking aside, he was genuinely a friend of theirs.
  • If you fail to save Roller Ricky, The Whistling Man will murder his dog Max first. You can hear Ricky's devastated sobbing before The Whistling Man kills him too.
    • It gets worse when you keep in mind some of what you learn about Roller Ricky beforehand, when he first calls in to thank Forrest and Peggy for doing their best to protect the citizens of Gallows Creek; in his own words, back when he was "just Ricky", he ended up falling in with "a bad crowd" and got himself addicted to alcohol, but managed to come back from that low point and turn his life around completely, joining a support group and finding a new purpose in life in roller-skating, as well as adopting Max. At that point, he'll not only explicitly confirm that Max is, very specifically, an emotional support dog (implying that he still has his share of issues even to this day), but his line afterward that "[... ] I like to think that he rescued me" implies that Max was an essential part of his recovery. It's almost merciful that the Whistling Man kills him shortly after his dog.
  • What happened to George Barrow. Think about it. He was one of many victims of a morbid prank, ending with him going up to a mountain point, and jumping into a river to escape danger... only to be killed (and the only one killed at that), leaving his girlfriend to mourn.
    • It's even worse that his death was covered up and lied about, making it seem like he was a drunken fool who liked to fight, and drowned in the reservoir due to "his own stupidity." Even Marie can't explain it with a straight face, breaking down and sobbing in the middle of it, and honestly... can anyone blame her?
    • Even worse than that, the "Whistling Night" pranks continue even after the fact, for the past 20 years even after the death of George Barrow. From Marie's perspective, this can be seen as rubbing salt in her wounds, as possibly without anyone really knowing it, the town might as well be CELEBRATING the anniversary of George's death.
  • What happened to Marie herself after George's death, too. Despite her best efforts to clear his name, nobody listened to her, or outright told her to stay quiet- truth be damned- thanks to Teddy Gallows Sr. and Clive doing everything in their (substantial) power to keep the real circumstances behind George's death hidden. Furthermore, she and George had just conceived Henry out of wedlock, and she was thrown out of the house by her parents the moment the pregnancy became obvious (and during your interview with her, she'll imply that they had never supported their relationship from the start), leaving her all the more alone. By the time she's committed to her murder spree and confronts Forrest personally, she's a bitter, vengeful, and violent wreck who's been driven insane by her grief and personal tragedies, with her son as her sole shining light in her life.
  • Marie at the end of the game jumps off the cliff at Whistling Point in order to evade the cops. It's ambiguous as to if she died or not, but assuming that she did, Henry is now left all alone in the world as an orphan, as well as a convicted serial killer.note  Marie, in her grief and lust for revenge, very likely ruined her son's life.
  • If you fail to save Deputy Martinez early on, Leslie is noticeably speaking quieter and more solemnly than if you succeed. Sure, she's still determined to get help and stop the Whistling Man from taking more lives, but just listen to her tone. She seems utterly broken and defeated, sounding as if she's moments away from crying.
  • Marie killing Peggy is absolutely horrible, however if she does succeed in carrying out the act, she will scream and break out crying. Perhaps in that moment, she realizes how utterly ridiculous her reason for murdering Peggy was, and she's faced with the reality that she just murdered the only person in the world that loved her.
