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Tear Jerker / Goodbellas

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Who knew being in The Mafia would cause so much pain?

Spoilers are unmarked.

  • "The Mancunian Candidate" has two scenes with this involved.
    • First among them is where Blake and Ruby exchange backstories. The former's father was gunned down by his own men for refusing to deal in drugs and working outside the Italian community, while the latter's mother was in Belfast when the IRA abducted and killed her.
    • The second happens when a young Adam Taurus finds that his father and associates are all dead. He rings the police, then collapses into tears within the phone booth.
  • "The Goon Show Incident" and "Untouchable" has the rape of Yang and Nora and its aftermath. Of particular note is this passage in the latter chapter.
    As Ruby and Pyrrha marched into Vale Hospital brimming with fury, a rather frazzled Cinder and Blake greeted them in the lobby.
    “We just arrived,” Blake started as they approached the lift, “and we didn't want to go to see them until you two were here.”
    Pyrrha nodded, and they piled up into the lift and rode up to the floor Yang and Nora were in, stopping only to ask which ward their cohorts were in. Upon entry, the quartet found themselves staring at the injuries. Pyrrha turned towards the bin and threw up badly, while Ruby started tearing up. Blake was silently fuming, and even Cinder looked shaken.
    Yang had suffered a black eye, two cracked ribs, and at least a dozen bruises all over her backside, womanhood and thighs. She was awake, though in considerable pain. And Nora sported a wound that barely missed her eye, a dislocated jaw, along with multiple bruises on her rear end, and most humiliatingly, half a dozen bite marks on her breasts. All in all, they were in bad shape.
  • "Untouchable" also has Cardin's backstory. Having come from a long line of soldiers, Cardin fought in Vietnam (where he served with Ren). This meant that when he returned, he was rejected from mainstream society in general and got shunned by his family. It left him bitter and miserable, with the killing of murderers the only thing he gets enjoyment from now.
  • Velvet getting thrown into the nasty side of police work at the start of "Enter The Pigs" counts. The poor girl was a recent addition to the force, and seeing the scorched and battered remains of team FNKI in the locker room was a rude awakening to her. She was then ordered to the scene of Adam Taurus's death, and threw up in response to the carnage.
  • Roman's state of being during Adam's funeral counts, given their strong friendship.
  • Neo's status as of "Lines Drawn". She was the original consigliere of the Bellas before Roman abducted her and imprisoned her in his basement. He almost rapes her in anger over the corrupt cops before she falsifies Blake's address.
  • Qrow getting shot by Tyrian in "Roman Invasion" definitely qualifies.
  • Cinder's murder in "Ides of April" counts - not least because she was shot in front of Jaune, who was seconds away from proposing to her.
  • Mercury and Emerald's backstories and fates in "Fall Of The Roman Empire". In a nod to the main show, Mercury's legs are polio-afflicted to the point that he needs leg-braces, while Emerald reveals that her mother was the same way and wasn't married when Emerald was born. And after both of them plan to flee to Hobart together, Mercury gets bashed to death while Emerald's abducted and burnt on a pyre.
  • "... Must Come To Their Ends" shows Oscar's last night alive. He was coming to hook up with an enamored Neo, only to pull over to help someone fix a car and get killed for his charity. Worst of all, Neo's accused of murdering him.
