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Shout Out / Birdie Wing

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If you love Gundam references and golf, this anime was made for you.

Episode One- Rainbow Bullet

  • Lily reveals that she is a massive Gunpla fan and she bet a special limited-run anniversary Gunpla RX-78-2 model on Eve’s win.

Episode One- Rainbow Bullet

Episode Twelve- Are Aoi and Eve Okay Together? The Doubles Championship Begins

the brass doesn’t understand that
  • This is lampshaded by Amane who tells her to “not steal other’s lines”.
  • Eve sent a Gunpla to her little sister Lily but it was not the one she wanted.
    Lily: I did..I did, but…Why is it the Shy-Tarn?! Only the real die-hards want that! Why isn’t it the Strike, or the Barbatos, or the Unicorn?!
