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Ho Yay / Birdie Wing

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Lillies are certainly in full bloom.

As expected from a series with two female leads, the interactions of Eve and Aoi are full of these thanks to their rivalry.


  • Aoi especially fawns all the time about how good Eve's golf is, to the point it looks like her feelings for her are more than admiration.
  • Eve for her part states to Vipère 'There's already another name written on my heart' while thinking of Aoi.
    • Gets there by "I Think Who Gets What Room Is Very Important For Girls" when Eve places a kiss on Aoi's cheek. Amane's pissed at this. Meanwhile, Ichina can't help but witness it. She even Lampshades it "Yuri flowers Bloom". Aoi was upset when Amane told her that they need to be roommates and she can't bunk with Eve.
  • Ichina gets in on it a little bit herself, "I was a bit excited when Eve climbed in my bed" — only for Eve to kick her while asleep.
  • Aoi hopes to get a kiss from Eve as part of their 'fewest mistakes' contest in Episodes 12 and 13.
  • Eve unlocks an entirely new set of attacks that are all rainbow powered.

Eve x Aoi

  • Episode Two feels much more like the beginning of a love story rather than the meeting of two rivals.
  • In Episode Three, Aoi has a desire to play in the same air as Eve. She means as a competitor, but…
  • When Vipère tells Eve that should she win their game in Episode Four- ''Vipère'', she will spend the day making sure Eve won’t forget her name, body in heart and body. Eve retorts:
    Eve: Not happening. There’s already another name in my heart. I don’t need anybody else’s name.
  • In Episode Seven, Eve names her new curved bullet after Aoi when the latter teaches her how to in VR.
  • In Episode Nine, Once reunited at last, Aoi’s first action is to immediately try to tackle hug Eve. Sadly, Eve dodges.
  • In Episode Ten, Aoi bluntly tells Amane that she brought Eve to her school so they could be together forever and because Aoi’s golf needs Eve.
    Amane: Aoi, why did you bring her to the school? And have her join the golf club, too?
    Aoi: To be with her forever, of course. I want to play golf with her for the rest of my life.
    Amane: That doesn’t mean…
    Aoi: I need her. My golf needs her.
  • In Episode Twelve, when Aoi expresses excitement in the doubles, Eve pats her head reassuringly. This causes a Luminescent Blush from Aoi. The background is filled with Love Bubbles and Sparkles.
  • In Episode Thirteen, while they are talking, Eve gets in Aoi’s face, which makes her blush, then kisses her cheek. A stunned Aoi places her hand on her face then blushes again.
    • Afterwards, despite the fact that players share a room, Amane made Aoi sleep with her. Aoi is displeased by these turn of events and is dragged away yelling for Eve.
    • After seeing Mizuho and Kaede play, Eve and Aoi have this exchange:
    Aoi: Just like how she stole my heart, I want her to see my golf.
    Eve: What’s with that? You in love?
    Aoi: You’re the only one I like, Eve.
    Eve: I don’t like or dislike you.
    Aoi: Yeah, I know.
  • In the end, Eve tells Aoi that every time she makes a mistake, she will kiss Aoi. This excites Aoi who promises to do her best.

Mizuho x Kaede

  • These two are in seemingly every scene together.
  • In Episode Twelve, when Kaede and Mizuho discuss Aoi, the two speak in plurals, signifying that they are united.
    Kaede: So she’s aiming to be the youngest pro ever? Like that’s gonna happen. We’ll crush her!
    Mizuho: Kaede. I have high hopes for her. That she will challenge us.
