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Recap / Xavier Riddle S 2 E 1 I Am Michelangelo

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Michelangelo Buonarroti shows Brad that even when you want something done quickly, doing something well takes time.

This episode includes examples of:

  • An Aesop:
    Michelangelo: But, genius is eternal patience.
    Yadina: What?
    Michelangelo: That means, doing something well takes time.
  • Big "YES!": Michelangelo shouts "YES!" after he successfully draws a real-looking fish. Later, Brad shouts "YES!" when he finishes building the puppet stage.
  • Boredom Montage: While Michelangelo is working on his sculpture, we are treated to a montage of Xavier, Yadina, and Brad being bored.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: After Michelangelo sees a fish in a basket, he gets the idea to study fish at the market.
  • Faint in Shock: Brad faints onto Berby when he realizes that 1488 was over 500 years ago.
  • Gratuitous Italian: Michelangelo speaks Italian until Xavier uses his Translator Microbes to translate it to English.
    Michelangelo: (speaking Italian) No, non va bene. No, no, no, no. No! Non va bene! [..] Non abbastanza pescoso.Translation 
  • Hollywood Cuisine: During the Boredom Montage, the kids eat pizza, with Brad even commenting that he wants to eat in Italy every day. The animators have Shown Their Work, since the pizza looks accurate to a real Italian pizza rather than an American one.
  • Punny Name: Xavier and Yadina's fish puppets are named Goldie and Fin-eas.
  • Stroke the Beard: Michelangelo strokes his beard while contemplating his fish drawings.
  • Two Words: Added Emphasis:
    Brad: Two words: oy and vey.
