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Recap / Wild Kratts S 1 E 16 Walk On The Wetside

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The Wild Kratts fly to Costa Rica to study another rare lizard, the basilisk lizard, capable of running on water. But unknown to the Wild Kratts, Donita and Dabio have been secretly hacking their communications, and Donita soon kidnaps their new lizard friend, Splash Claw, hoping to use him as a hat to win a contest in Paris. The brothers must then decode the mystery of water running to save Splash Claw before it is too late.


  • Breaking the Fourth Wall:
    • Subverted at the beginning of the episode, where it looks like Chris and Martin are doing this but it turns out that they're video-chatting with Aviva in the Tortuga instead.
    • When attempting to touch a basilisk to activate the Creature Power Suits, Chris tells Martin to do nothing and gets into a pose. Martin's response is to look at the camera and gesture to Chris as though telling the audience how much of an idiot he is.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Martin brings snowshoes to a Costa Rican rainforest. Chris points out the ridiculousness of such a thing.
    Chris: Snowshoes? In the rainforest?
    Martin: Hey, you might be more organized, but I'm better prepared.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Chris and Martin think running and catching up to Donita's boat will help them in saving Splash Claw. Unfortunately they neglected to realize that basilisks cannot run forever, and so they retreat to form a new plan...which turns out to be the old one.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Martin mentioning Splash Claw's light weight is what spurs Aviva to figure out the final piece in why basilisks can run on water.
  • Gratuitous French: Donita tells Dabio that she has to get the trapped basilisk to Paris "tout suite". Before Dabio can ask what that means, she clarifies that it means "fast" in French.
  • Laughing at Your Own Jokes: Donita (and Dabio as well) laughs at her joke for Splash Claw to "step on it", running on water to fetch her an iced tea.
  • Literal-Minded: When Jimmy Z teleports Chris's scuba gear to him, it comes in the form of a projectile that Chris manages to catch. Martin, sitting in its path, thanks Aviva for giving him a heads-up about its arrival, even if he had to put his head down.
  • Mistaken for Thief: Donita believes Martin stole Splash Claw and so she rushes to steal it back. In actuality, Splash Claw had been running on water and stopped to take a break on Martin's head.
  • Never Recycle Your Schemes: Averted for Martin, whose Plan B involves trying Plan A again even with the knowledge that basilisks run in bursts and not for prolonged periods of time.
    Chris: Martin, to the rocks. We'll make a new plan.
    [they go to land and collapse]
    Martin: Okay, what's the plan?
    Chris: I don't know. I thought you might have one.
    Martin: Okay, rest over. Let's go!
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Chris and Martin tell Splash Claw to stay with them, as they can protect him. Due to instinct, he instead bolts and begins making his escape, leading Donita and Dabio to chase after him and get a headstart.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Splash Claw is a male basilisk who receives a pink bow from Donita when she captures him.
  • Self Botched Catchphrase: Chris mangles his and Martin's "living free and in the wild" catchphrase when they confront Donita and Dabio.
    Chris: Whoa, leave that basilisk alone! He belongs living free and walking on water.
    Donita: No, he belongs in Paris on a hat, so I can win first prize.
    Chris and Martin: Huh?
  • Title Drop: "Walk on the wetside" is dropped twice, first by Chris at the climax and then Martin at the end.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Donita hopes to have the Wild Kratts Crew lead her to an animal that will help her win a designer hat contest being held in Paris. Chris and Martin mentioning the basilisk lizard to Koki is what gives her an idea to capture one for usage in the hat.
  • Video Call Fail: When Nina contacts Tortuga HQ, she sends them her location within Costa Rica and tells them that she sees a lot of basilisks bathing in the sun. The transmission cuts out, but not before Koki can receive her location and pinpoint it, and she continues to experience communication issues throughout the episode. It's later revealed that Donita and Dabio are the ones hijacking the Tortuga's communication systems.
  • Walk on Water: The basilisk lizard is one of a few animals who has the ability to do this. Chris and Martin try to emulate the ability themselves by water skiing, and later by running on water on their own power when they find out that the basilisk runs at five miles per hour, which is the same speed that humans run at. Eventually they gain basilisk Creature Powers for their suits which allows them to run on water effortlessly.
  • You Are Fat: Martin misinterprets one of Aviva's comments as a jab made at his weight, even though she's really talking about the basilisk's light weight making it easy for them to run on water.
    Aviva: The lizard is light, and Martin is heavy.
    Martin: You tryin' to say I eat too much chocolate?
  • Your Princess Is in Another Castle!: Chris and Martin successfully free Splash Claw from suspended animation and from Donita's and Dabio's grasps...but the closest land is too far for him to run to without sinking. Luckily, the situation is easily resolved thanks to Aviva and the Tortuga.
