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Recap / We Bare Bears S 4 E 39 Lord Of The Poppies

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Grizz and the Poppy Rangers go camping on an island, but they soon find themselves deserted.


  • Beyond the Impossible: Flashbacks show Grizz causing fires whatever he does, even when scuba diving, which Wallace lampshades.
  • Good Angel, Bad Angel: Grizz has a shoulder Ranger telling him to take charge, and another Grizz with his head on fire reminding him of what a screw-up he is.
  • Horror Hunger: The Poppy Rangers go insane from hunger and try to cook Grizzly for food.
  • Know Your Vines: Wallace asks Grizz if yellow berries are safe to eat. Grizz consults the guide book, and a picture clearly indicates that they are not safe, but Grizz disregards it because he thinks he's colorblind and tells Diaz to go ahead. Smash Cut to Diaz throwing up behind a tree.
  • Meat-O-Vision: A hungry Wallace hallucinates Grizzly as a burger.
  • The Millstone: Grizzly, to the point where he is directly responsible for the hunger climax by causing Tabes to forget the Poppies' lunch bags.
  • Time Dissonance: By the time Tabes returns to the island with pizza to feed the Poppies, she reveals that only an hour has passed when the Poppy Rangers succumb to hunger and start eating Grizzly.
  • Whole-Plot Reference: To Lord of the Flies.
