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Recap / Two Sentence Horror Stories S2 E6 "Fix"

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My sister needs to talk.
She's been so angry since she died.

After nine months of estrangement, Jackson decides to reconnect with his sister, Sofia, who went to the family cabin for the summer. However, he learns an ugly truth about what she has been doing since they separated.

Tropes featured in this episode:

  • Butterfly of Death and Rebirth: Butterflies fly out of Sofia's mouth in Jackson's dreams. Near the end of the episode, the event repeats itself in reality, which signals Jackson that Sofia is dying.
  • Bungled Suicide: Jackson overdoses on heroin after seeing Sofia die in his arms. Reza manages to take him to the hospital before he succumbs.
  • Daydream Surprise: Jackson has essentially been doing this since he went to the cabin, acting as though Sofia is still alive.
  • Dead All Along: Sofia died because of heroin overdose a week before the episode begins, meaning before Jackson even comes to the cabin. All this time, he has been interacting with a corpse.
  • Deal with the Devil: Sofia apparently made a deal with Flauros to erase her loneliness, and offers to make one with Jackson, who refuses it.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: Sofia succumbs to Flauros' curse while Jackson is caressing her. Of course, the truth is that she is dead since before he went to the cabin.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Jackson stopped talking with Sofia after she sold their father's watch. Even he has to admit that it was rather overdone.
  • Parental Abandonment: Jackson's parents died years ago. This means that when he became estranged from Sofia, she was left completely alone.
  • Recovered Addict: Jackson was a heroin user in the past, but has been sober for a while. Sofia became an addict herself when she discovered his stash, but unlike him, she never recovered.
  • Religious Horror: Type 2. Sofia has apparently joined a demonic cult. Jackson, who is a devout Christian, attempts to save her through the power of God.
  • Shower Scene: There is one involving Jackson. Blood mysteriously pours down from the shower, but when he steps back, it's gone. This hints at the fact that he has been imagining things.
