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Recap / The Smurfs Book 19: The Wild Smurf

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A comic book adaptation of the cartoon show episode "Smurf On The Wild Side", in which the Smurfs first meet Wild Smurf.

Tropes associated with this story include:

  • Animal Stampede: The story begins with one through the Smurf Village, which is a prelude to the fact that the Smurf Forest is on fire.
  • Big Dam Plot: Early on in the story, the village is set on fire, and the Smurfs are unable to get a bucket brigade going to put it out, so Papa Smurf resorts to blowing up the village dam in order to douse the fire.
  • Delivery Stork: Seen in the flashback sequence, which apparently lost the baby that would become Wild while delivering the child to the Smurf Village.
  • Exposed to the Elements: Besides the Smurfs themselves, Wild Smurf is the worst offender of this trope, as all he wears in winter is just a hat and a bush full of leaves.
  • Garden Garment: Wild Smurf starts off wearing a Smurf hat made of leaves and a bush covering his male parts. Near the end of the story, Gargamel disguises himself by dressing himself with a hollow tree stump that covers his male parts.
  • Literal Ass-Kicking: Wild kicks Brainy's butt when he's down and laughs about it.
  • Loincloth: What Wild is eventually given to wear to replace the bush of leaves he was wearing to cover his waist.
  • Now That's Using Your Teeth!: Wild uses his teeth to rip through the ropes of the net trap Gargamel set up for the Smurfs that has captured a forest creature.
  • Smells Sexy: Wild briefly smells Smurfette and then suddenly has the hots for her.
  • Time Skip: A few time skips take place in the story as the Smurfs go from late summer to winter to spring while the forest recovers from the fire.
  • Too Hungry to Be Polite: Wild shows his lack of proper eating manners by eating a bowl of stop with his face crammed into the bowl.
  • Trash the Set: The Smurf Forest is nearly devastated by the fire, but it eventually grows back through the course of the story. However, since this now exposes the way to the Smurf Village to people like Gargamel, the Smurfs now have to find a way to keep him from discovering them until the forest regrows.
