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Recap / The Dragon Prince S2E1 "A Secret and a Spark"

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Before marching on toward Xadia, Callum begs Lujanne for a magic lesson, and Ezran tries to teach the dragon prince to fly. But danger is closing in.

Tropes in this episode include:

  • Circle of Standing Stones: The Moonhenge, once an edifice that was a nexus to a realm beyond life and death, but now all that's left are the bases the full structure was built on.
  • Dream-Crushing Handicap: Callum wants to learn Primal magic, but humans lack the natural connection to magic that elves have and thus need a Primal Stone to perform such magic. Without the one he destroyed, dark magic is the only kind of magic he could perform, and Callum doesn't want to learn that. Callum isn't deterred, however, hoping to find a way to gain the same connection elves have to their primal sources.
  • Convection, Schmonvection: At the Breach, General Amaya safely bypasses a lava field.
  • I Ate WHAT?!: Callum and Ezran's reaction to the realization that the dish they are eating is actually grubs made to look and taste like delicious food. Ellis doesn't mind though.
  • Portal Statue Pairs: The two huge elves statues on top of the Moon Nexus plateau.
  • Properly Paranoid:
    • Rayla insists that danger is coming and wants to leave immediately. She's proven right when Claudia and Soren use a sleep spell to knock her out at the end of the episode.
    • Also, Lujannne warned that "dark forces" are following them.
  • Title Drop: Lujanne explains the Arcanums as, "the secret of the Primal, or its meaning... That secret becomes a spark. The tiniest possible flicker of a Primal Source inside you. But enough to ignite the world with its magic."
  • The Treachery of Images: Lujanne discusses how understanding the relationship between reality and one's perception of it is central to the moon arcanum.
    Lujanne: The arcanum of the moon is about understanding the relationship between appearances and reality. Most people believe that reality is truth and appearances are deceiving. But those of us who know the moon arcanum understand we can only truly know the appearance itself. You can never touch the so-called reality that lies just beyond the reach of your own perception.
