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Recap / The Critic S 1 E 7 Every Doris Has Her Day

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Jay spends an evening with his make-up artist Doris, and the two's budding friendship hints that he and she may be long-lost son and mother.

This episode has examples of

  • Ambiguously Jewish: The first question that Jay asks the priest is if he's Jewish or not.
    Priest: Now, what do you think?
    Jay: I knew it!
  • As Himself: Duke's new movie has Saddam Hussein as himself. He had to give Hussein a bunch of tomahawk missiles in exchange (which meant the other co-stars wanted them, too).
  • Blackmail: Duke threatens to release a secret tape of Jay in the shower, but Jay's not bothered about a recording of him naked, singing, and eating a pie being leaked. Duke threatening to fire Doris causes Jay to buckle, though.
  • Daddy Had a Good Reason for Abandoning You: The priest assures Jay that his biological mother loved him with all her heart. However, the reason why he was given up for adoption is not given.
  • A Day in the Limelight: A Doris-centered episode.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Duke is known as "Puddles" to his old fraternity.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Jay acknowledges he's got his faults, but he prides himself on being honest and refuses to give Duke's movie (which Duke himself called crap) a good review just because he was told to do so. He only wavers from this because Duke threatens to fire Doris. Even after learning she's not his mother, he can't stand to see her suffer.
  • Family of Choice: The test results say that Doris isn't Jay's mother. Jay reasons that they can be this kind of family, and they leave for the park together.
  • "Friends" Rent Control: Doris lives in a huge, luxurious apartment that only costs $100 a month because of being rent-controlled since the forties.
  • I'm a Doctor, Not a Placeholder: While Jay talks to the priest.
    Jay: Uh, I wish to be tall and handsome.
    Priest: I said questions, not wishes! I'm a priest, not a genie!
  • Only in It for the Money: Why Sir Roger Twice Nightly acted in Howerd Stern's End? "Because I need the money."
  • Schmuck Bait: Jay openly heckles a production of Punch and Judy. The person working the Punch puppet deliberately asks him if he wants his money back.
    Jay: Yeah. Let me have it. I said let me have it! [gets clubbed]
  • Screaming Birth: Eleanor recalls giving birth to Margo. As Franklin calmly told her to push, Eleanor denounced him for doing this to her and vowed to strike back like a viper when he least suspects it. Back in the present, she immediately clubs him with a candlestick.
