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Recap / The Arknverse

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A full list of of works set in The Arknverse can be found here and here.note 

The Arknthologynote 

  • Arknthology Stories. By DeathlyLogic. A series of short stories recalling important events in the history of the Arkn and the Dekn. Remade from the original.
  • In Through the Out Door. By Type0Negative. Malek arrives in Xua. One-shot.
  • Almost. By DeathlyLogic. A short story in which Azrael attempts to rescue a human girl from the Infernous. (Deleted, summary only)
  • Magic Isn't Real. By DeathlyLogic. During one of his visits to the Lighthouse Tower, Ellpagg tries to teach Azrael how to use magick. (Deleted, summary only)

The Arkn Mythos Chronology

The War Chronicles

  • The Knight Shift. The experiences of a young amnesiac who, after getting into a car accident with his friends, tries to seek help in an abandoned house — only to find himself trapped and assaulted by mysterious forces. Complete.
  • No More Truths. By DeathlyLogic. A blog detailing the adventures of Cedric Kharon, a being created by the Hethe, on a quest meant to bring an end to the Arkn-Dekn war. Inactive as of November 2016.
  • Of Determination and Crusades (a.k.a. MedBoy123). The memoirs of Raphael, detailing his training and experiences in the War. Inactive as of December 2016.
  • Second Nightfall. A letter from the front lines. One-shot.

The Winter Saga

  • acryfromwinter. 1Type0Negative. The first, and, primary, work in the Winterverse storyline (and one of the main works in the Arknthology Saga). This vlog revolves around a troubled young man named Alex Winter who, after being put on medication by Dr. Ellis, finds his world overcome by strange events mind-bending phenomena. He comes to discover that not only he, but his entire family, is linked to the Arkn-Dekn war in unexpected and troubling ways.

    Following a brief hiatus in the spring of 2016, the series underwent a Time Skip. Alex is now a monster hunter, dispatching Lurkers and Sethe and saving human lives — until a sinister clan of beings known as The Associates begin to involve themselves in his life.
    • Wayward_Winter. By Type0Negative. The follow-up to acryfromwinter, this vlog is set after after Uriel escapes from the Infernous, and revolves mainly around Alex Winter discovering his destiny as an Arknza — and all that that entails. (This channel is now inactive, as the story is being continued on the main acryfromwinter channel.)
  • Michael's Camera. By DeathlyLogic and Zayne Vaughn. Another installment in the Arknthology storyline, this series depicts the video logs of another young patient of Ellis who discovers that is an "open vessel": an individual open to Demonic Possession by any party—whom many beings on different sides of the War wish to use for their own purposes. The plot ties into The Knight Shift, so it is recommended that viewers watch the first half of that series prior to starting this one. Complete.
    • Solar's Crimson. By DeathlyLogic and Zayne Vaughn. The follow-up to Michael's Camera, set in the wake of the events of that series (as well as the 2016 May 15 catastrophe). This series follows the personal video logs of Azrael Michaelis Winter, as he struggles with PTSD and his role in the prophecy of the Arknza.
  • Medboy789. Described by the creator as a different take on the formula started in acryfromwinter, Medboy789 follows yet another of Ellis's patients — this one a young man named Toby who is participating in a medication trial. While vlogging about the effects of the new pills, he begins to experience odd dreams and has encounters with a mysterious unseen creature. Things begin to escalate, and Toby is forced to face his personal demons, literally and figuratively. Complete.
  • L. Jameson. A series about a college student who, upon encountering life-altering sleeping problems, is referred to Dr. Ellis and begins his track on medication. The vlog and blog detail the progression of her sleeping habits, and chronicle her experiences with the prescribed medication. The blog portion of the series can be found here. There is also a two-part prequel story, which can be read here and here. Complete.
  • MedBoy456 (additional unlisted episodes listed here). This bizarre vlog follows a young man as he falls under the influence of a terrifying entity that has haunted him since childhood. Cancelled December 2016.
  • Sarah Kestler Isn't Dead. A blog containing the personal memoirs of the Arknza Sarah Seraphina Kestler, detailing her experiences as both an Arkn and a human patient of Ellis. Inactive as of December 2016.

The Reality Branch

  • Knight Panes. Documents a man named Alex Knight who finds himself targeted by a strange being which controls much of his life. Complete.
  • liquidbones. By DeathlyLogic. .Reality's personal vlog. Described by its creators as "a Lynchian wet dream". Cancelled.

The Mayhem Compendium

  • The Mayhem Theory. A young man named Caden Grey aims to show the world the strange and troubling events that befell him and his best friend, Gabriel Holden. (Note: Some episodes missing.) Complete.
  • The Lost Chronicles Of R.G.L. The 1904 correspondences of a man who possesses quite a bit of insight into the matters of the Arkn and Dekn, Humanity, and a certain fragmented Hethe — as well as the fates of some rather important individuals living 110 years in the future. Complete.
  • The Writings of Raziel. The personal journal of Raziel, one of the first four Arkn created. This blog presents Raziel's personal reflections on own life, as well as his musings on Arkn society, war, and the creation of Magick (among other things). Complete.
  • Book of the Mother. The personal memoirs of the Arknangel Ambriel, recalling the events leading up to her departure from the Golden City (the Arkn capital). The blog follows Ambriel's education in the Golden City as she discovers the secret history of corruption in the capital, her lineage, and her destiny. Complete.

The Hybrid Anthology

  • Riley Sturza. The personal vlog of Riley Sturza: a young YuGiOh enthusiast and friend of Elliot Kenneth (and yet another duplicate of Tobey Kestler), who is dealing with some supernatural issues of his own. Complete.

The Mirrorverse

  • Starving4Truth. The personal vlog of yet another version of Alex Winter. This Alex is a cold, cynical, and possibly murderous man — and, like his counterparts, he seems to be experiencing strange, inexplicable phenomena. Complete.
  • awalkinthepark. Yet another tie-in to "handprints". A young man named Tony (who appears to be yet another version of Alex Winter) investigates a popular new age religion known as "Arknism", and its possible ties to an unsolved local murder — which he believes to be the work of The Hooks Killer. Complete.

The Kryzjac Series

