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Recap / Teppen Expansion 9 Ace Vs The People

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Ace vs. The People was Teppen’s eight expansion, and released in April of 2021. This expansion added the “Evidence” and “Present” mechanics to the game. Evidence is collected by certain Unit Cards when they’re played or when a certain condition is met (such as defeating an enemy unit), and “Present” will activate when you collect a sufficient amount of Evidence and use an Action Card, consuming the Evidence giving the card stronger effects.

The plot of the expansion centers around the destruction of a statue created in honor of Mayor Cody, and how Phoenix Wright must prove Larry Butz is innocent of the crime… despite the mountain of evidence that points to his guilt.

Series and characters included in this expansion (Bold indicates a series new to Teppen)

  • Ace Attorney: The Blue Badger, Wendy Oldbag, Cody Hackins, The Judge, Winston Payne, Missile, Adrian Andrews, Dick Gumshoe, Pearl Fey, Lotta Hart, Maggey Byrde, Furio Tigre, The Steel Samurai / Will Powers, Mia Fey, Ema Skye, Godot, Miles Edgeworth, Larry Butz, Phoenix Wright, Maya Fey, Franziska von Karma
  • Darkstalkers: Sasquatch
  • Dead Rising: Frank West
  • Devil May Cry: Trish / Gloria, Hell Caina, Hell Judecca
  • Mega Man X: Dynamo, Ground Scaravich, Shadow Blob
  • Monster Hunter: Catherine, Carol, Natalie, Anteka, Brachydios
  • Resident Evil: Regenerador
  • Street Fighter: Blanka, Sodom, Cody Travers, Roxy, Lucia Morgan, Poison, Dan Hibiki, Abigail

''Ace vs. The People" contains examples of:

  • Butt-Monkey: Two of Capcom’s biggest, Dan Hibiki and Larry Butz, join forces in this expansion. Considering Larry is being put on trial for property damage, and Dan was the CAUSE of said property damage, it went about as well as anyone could have expected.
  • I Shall Taunt You: Dan gives Brachydios a toothy grin and thumbs up in the “Provocation Legend” (AVP 025) card.
  • Intrepid Reporter: Frank West is as fearless as ever, managing to snag exclusive photos of a demonic gathering beneath the park’s fountain (shown in “Danger Zone Report” (AVP 095))
  • Motor Mouth: Wendy Oldbag carries this trait over from the Ace Attorney games proper. “Chatterbox” (AVP 015) shows her talking poor Frank’s ear off, and the secret art of her unit card (AVP 001) is just her talking and talking and talking and talking….
    Flavor Text: Well, dearie, I was on guard duty that night, when all of a sudden it got terribly cold. And that's when I saw it! You know, the statue of the mayor! Its eyes were glowing! And then I saw them...two demons lurking right below! That statue is cursed, I tell you, cursed! Oh, I was simply terrified! I did my best to hide, but honestly, I'd had enough of the night shift. So that's why I got the new boy to come and take my place instead. What's the world coming to That statue is a jinx and someone should have smashed it sooner! We didn't go around putting up cursed statues in my day, oh no! Things were so much more peaceful then. Young people these days, they're always causing a scene, bringing eldritch horrors into public spaces... Did I tell you about my son? He hasn't called me for three years, and...
