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Recap / Summer Camp Island S 1 E 18 Hedgehog Werewolf

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Hedgehog gets bit by a cute puppy and is starting to act strange.


  • Creative Closing Credits: "Witches Lullaby" plays during the credits, indicating it's a "lore-building" episode.
  • Extreme Omnivore: Apparently all new werewolves go through a phase of eating shoes.
  • Gratuitous French: The Werewolf Queen is a fan of saying 'bonsoir' note 
  • Literal Transformative Experience: Whilst initially panicking and wanting to be cured, after getting to enjoy the freedom that comes with the transformation, Hedgehog decides to stay a werewolf at the end, and in turn focus more on what she wants over her future.
  • Mugging the Monster: Susie should know better in harassing Hedgehog while she's in her werewolf form.
  • Pinball Projectile: Hedgehog utilizes this to win Oscar a hat at the moon festival.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: Hedgehog, is a, well, hedgehog, and becomes a werewolf after being bitten by a puppy. To top it off, the ending reveals that many of the other werewolves aren't even wolves or canines of any sort, including Betsy, who is a horse.
  • Wham Episode: Not only that Hedgehog chooses to remain a werewolf at the end, but it's revealed that Betsy is also a werewolf and keeps it a secret from Susie.
