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Recap / Sue Thomas FB Eye S 2 E 19 The Kiss

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The shooting of a judge attracts the FBI's attention, and Tara's research ties it to the previous murder of a young lawyer who was shot with the same gun and worked in the same place, a firm where Myles' estranged sister also happens to work. While undercover, Jack and Sue find a lot of dirty laundry and have a kiss.

This episode includes examples of the following tropes:

  • Bittersweet Ending: The criminals go down. Myles' sister doesn't go to prison thanks to her cooperation with the FBI, and he and she patch up their relationship. However, she goes from a partner in her firm to being disbarred and moving back to their demanding parents' house to sort her life out.
  • Bribe Backfire: To tie Hilary to the murders, the FBI sends Anne in to talk to her. Anne tells her that she has evidence of Hilary's wrongdoing and asks what she'll give her to bury it. Hilary offers to make her an equal partner and rants about how no one can touch them if they stick together...exactly as the FBI hoped she would.
  • Creepy Basement: The law library is deep underground and poorly lit. Lucy offers to go with Sue when she goes to review the dead judge's past cases for suspects, saying that no one should go alone their first time.
  • Deceased Fall-Guy Gambit: While undercover, Sue "oversees" the leader, Hilary Kern, talking to the private investigator who handles the firm's dirty work. She tells him to kill Anne, and she'll set things up so that it looks like Anne was unstable and responsible for the crooked dealings the FBI is investigating.
  • Fake-Out Make-Out: When Janice comes in as Sue is doing evidence hunting, Jack hurries back to the room. Janice comes in to find the two kissing and rubbing their hands on each other, which they "explain" as heat-of-the-moment excitement after a major break in their case. The other agents tease them mercilessly.
  • Friends Are Chosen, Family Aren't: Myles and Anne spent most of their childhood competing against each other for their parents' attention. As a result, Myles laments that he actually has more of a relationship with Sue, his coworker, than he does with his own sister. They take steps to remedy this at the end of the episode.
  • Freudian Slip: Sue accidentally says the wrong word after she and Jack discuss the fake smooch:
    Sue: I'd better get home... see how Levi and Lucy are kissing along... getting along!
  • Mutual Envy: After Anne is disbarred, she and Myles have a talk. During this conversation, it comes out that each of them always thought the other was their parents' favorite.
  • Open Mouth, Insert Foot: Sue is talking with one of the office workers, who mentions how handsome Jack is.
    Janice: What are you, blind?
    Sue: No, but I am deaf. [Janice thinks Sue is joking and laughs] I really am. Deaf.
    Janice: ....Oh, I am so sorry.
  • Shout-Out: Sue volunteers to look up the judge's past rulings, not knowing how forbidding the library is. When Sue and Lucy return, Bobby says that "the hobbits" are back and asks them how things were in Middle-Earth.
  • Tonight, Someone Kisses: Based on the trailer, you'd think that was the most important thing in the episode. Although there was an actual kiss in the episode, it was nothing like it was played up to be; the dramatic shot shown of Jack and Sue going in for the kiss was actually a reversed shot of when they pull away from each other.
  • Trespassing to Talk: When Anne comes home from work, she's shocked to find someone in her apartment. Thankfully, it's only her brother, Myles, who wants to talk to her about the danger she's in.
  • Undercover as Lovers: When Jack needs to bring in Tara to crack the firewall, she introduces herself as Jack's wife, who made a surprise visit. It's mildly awkward for Janice, who's seen him kissing Sue.
  • Virtue Is Weakness: Peyton shot the lawyer because he tried to have him legally punished for beating a witness. Although the judge was originally on the take, he recommitted himself to serving justice after his wife's death. Hilary calls both of them "weak" and calls Anne "a fighter" after the younger woman blackmails her.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Myles and his sister grew up wanting to make their parents proud, to the point of seeing each other as competition rather than as siblings. Anne notes it as the reason they're both overachievers.
