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Recap / New Girl S 5 E 5

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"What about setting boundaries? They're not just reaching into your wallet this time, Nick. They're reaching into your skin wallet."

Bob & Carol & Nick & Schmidt is the fifth episode of New Girl's fifth season.

Nick considers his boundaries when his cousin Bob and his wife Carol come by for a visit. Winston helps Cece shop for a wedding dress.

Tropes in this episode:

  • Chosen Conception Partner: Bob and Carol don't want money from Nick — they want his sperm so they can have a baby.
  • Food as Bribe: According to Nick, giving you food and then asking you for money is a tried-and-true Miller tactic.
  • Name and Name: And Name and Name. The episode is titled Bob & Carol & Nick & Schmidt after the four people in the A-plot.
  • Shopping Montage: Winston and Cece's trip to the bridal shop is a breezy, champagne-filled montage where Cece tries on a bunch of dresses.
  • Serial Escalation: Nick initially thinks Bob and Carol want money from him, and he's working himself up to say no. Then it turns out they don't want money — they want his sperm, so they can conceive. He agrees. And then it turns out they can't afford the insemination procedure, so now they want Nick to do the deed with Carol the old-fashioned way.
  • This Explains So Much: When Bob and Carol ask Nick what Schmidt's deal is, Nick explains that Schmidt is a former fat kid:
    Carol: Now I get it.
    Bob: Ah, that makes sense.
  • Together in Death: Played for Laughs, Schmidt's long-term life plan involves him and his Heterosexual Life Partner Nick dying on the same day in 2098.
