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Recap / My Superhero Academy I Was Uptight Wanna Let Loose

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My Superhero Academy Crisis of Infinite Reboots I Was Uptight Wanna Let Loose

Perry: Papa! Papa! Today Halloween! You want come with me go trick-or-treat?
Iris: [In response to Mahvash asking her to host a Halloween gathering] Wh-what? But that house is on the other side o-of the country! Plus, the décor is s-super tacky. Keep saying he should change it, but does he listen?
Ellie: Ooh, are we talking sex and drugs? Because me and Mi-mi were planning to have some 'fun' at his place, if you want to join in.
Rebecca: Hard pass on the party. Having cops for parents kind of turns you off to the whole debauchery thing, and besides, the great outdoors doesn't much like me. But I don't want to hold you back, Zach. I'll be fine either way so you should do what you want.
Dante: This isn't any ordinary costume...thanks to the power of the Incognito Mask, I transformed into the dreaded Slenderman!! Will you be my proxies?
Mahvash: I couldn't decide...But... [in Japanese] your pretty—nay beautiful guardian who prevails in love and justice stands here. And now, by the moon's splendor, she will show you the way.


  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: The first PC, Hong Jian, disappeared in the last arc. Karl likewise vanished from the narrative along with Oliver and Top.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Dawn manages a sexy Hockey Mask and Chainsaw killer. Or maybe Jack would react that way to Dawn in general. Either way, the sight of it stops Jack's higher brain functions for a moment.
  • Filler: This episode was a deliberate experiment with 'downtime'. Although, the squad members began to feel each other out in this episode and some ships were beached while new ones set sail.
  • Heroic BSoD: Dawn is still a tad down from her meeting with the math teacher.
  • Love at First Fireball: Van feels this way after taking Ash's ridiculous attacks.
  • Not What It Looks Like: Dawn on top of Jack with hir arms around her neck... for a photo. Remarkably, no one walks in on them in that moment.
  • The Squad: The class is split into 4 squads in this arc. 2 gets an early start on working itself out.
  • "Super Sentai" Stance: Squad 2 starts working on them.
  • Trash the Set: Van arrives at the school. Ash is in the training room. Their eyes meet... destruction of the training room ensues.
  • Wax On, Wax Off: Mahvash tries to build up some unit cohesion by an almost literal version of this.
