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Recap / KikoRiki Ep 127/Ep 128/Ep 129 "The Grandmother Effect"

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The Grandmother Effect - Part 1

Barry sets the table for his birthday. Meanwhile, his friends are looking for a gift at Pin's dump. Carlin offers to give him a watch on a chain. Rosa will decorate it with beads, and Wally will scribble a gift inscription on the lid. Krash and Chiko find a cuckoo clock and a grandfather clock, and offer them as another present. Dokko notes that it would be great if the watch could cook sandwiches. Later, Barry's friends show him their gift. Barry freezes in shock when he sees a huge clock with several dials that, among other things, can cook kvass and squeeze juice.

At night, a red apple falls from a tree and activates the clock, which opens the time machine and disappears into the green light. Meanwhile, in 1808, the landowner Munevra calls her husband Mulenty to sleep, because they have a lot scheduled for tomorrow. Suddenly, a red apple lands right on the Mulya's horn, after which they are flooded with green light, and they find themselves on the threshold of Barry's house. Munya, mistaking it for his estate, goes inside and discovers Barry is sleeping in what she thinks is their bed. Mulya becomes enraged, runs into the house and pulls the blanket off Barry, who doesn't understand anything.

The Grandmother Effect - Part 2

In Dokko's house, Mulya nervously walks around the room while Barry explains what happened to Dokko. Scientist has a theory, which is confirmed after he asks Mulya and Munya what year it is.

After waking everyone up and bringing them all to Barry's house, Dokko examines a large hole where the clock used to be. He concludes that it somehow worked like a time machine and traveled into the past, bringing Mulya and Munya into the future as a result. However, if they tell their new guests that they're in the future, something bad could happen. Therefore, they must pretend that it is 1808.

In the morning, Mulya goes to Barry's house. Seeing him, Pin pretends to chop wood with a vacuum cleaner. Mulya tries to find out where his estate is, but without getting a clear answer, he goes to Carlin's house. Seeing him, Carlin folds the newspaper in the form of an accordion and pretends to play with it. Mulya asks the same question and tells Carlin to get to work. He then sees Chiko pumping the ball and tries to ask the same question, but scares him off. Mulya starts chases him, where Dokko stops him and offers to explain everything.

The Grandmother Effect - Part 3

Dokko tells Mulya that his estate fell into a fiery abyss. Shocked, Mulya runs off to the Dokko's house and tells his wife that the peasants seemingly burned their estate. Munya notes that they deserved it as they were constantly getting divorced and often left home. She suggests Mulya to give peasants some education and show them that burning houses is wrong. Mulya walks through the whole valley, showing "peasants" the wonders of education, but is surprised to learn they're more intelligent than he thought. He informs Munya he is going to write an educational program that will change the world. Suddenly Barry's watch starts working again, and the two cows find themselves in the past again.

While everyone is glad that it's finally over, Dokko is in panic: if Mulya writes his educational program, everyone in the past will become smart, and the change will make KikoRiki cease to exist. However, nothing happens. Mulya was going to start writing his program, but Munya called him for a tea, and he decided to delay his plans for tomorrow.


  • Accidental Time Travel: Barry's clock given to him on his birthday functioned as a time machine and brought Mulya and Munya into the present.
  • Butterfly of Doom: An education program that Mulya planned to write, and Dokko believed would change the past, and make all KikoRiki disappear. Fortunately, Mulya constantly postponed the case and seemingly didn't get to write it.
  • Ceiling Cling: Chiko hides from Mulya on the chandelier.
  • Continuity Nod: Among the books that Munya reads are the two that played significant role in previous episodes. One is a book of predictions, the other is for omens.
  • Running on All Fours: Mulya chases Chiko on all fours.
  • Time Travel Episode: Time travel plays role in the first and third parts of the episode.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Among the books that Munya reads is Jack London's novel "The Sea Urchin", which is a reference to a real—life work of the writer - The Sea Wolf.
    • Carlin sings the Russian folk song "When I had golden mountains" (Когда б имел златые горы).
  • What Year Is This?: Dokko asks Mulya and Munya this to make sure they are from the past.
