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Recap / Drake And Josh Episode 28 Paging Dr Drake

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Airdate: October 1, 2005

After Josh injures his foot, he is set to the hospital where Drake is mistaken as a doctor and must bail before he gets caught. Meanwhile, Megan reinstalls the house's thermostat (which is her brothers' bedroom) as payback for refusing to change it for her.

This episode contains tropes of:

  • Agony of the Feet: Josh gets his foot smashed with a barbell due to Drake's stupidity. When the family finds out what happened to his foot, he gets sent to hospital to receive surgery for it.
  • Alleged Lookalikes: Everyone mistakes Drake for Dr. Nussbaum, but once we actually see said doctor in person, it turns out that he and Drake look nothing alike.
  • Amusing Injuries: Subverted. In the cold open, Josh dropping the barbell on his foot is Played for Laughs, but once it's shown that the injury caused serious damage to his foot, it's played much more seriously.
  • Black Comedy: Walter asks a nearby nurse how his son is doing, said nurse claims that he passed away. After Walter's Big "WHAT?!", the nurse realizes she misheard his last name and corrects herself by telling him that Josh's surgery will begin in a few hours. Walter's relieved that his son's okay but is clearly still reeling in from the previous shock.
  • Child Prodigy: According to Dr. Carlson (the guy performing Josh's foot surgery), Dr. Nussbaum's the youngest person to ever graduate from Harvard Medical School at the tender age of 13—and, ultimately depending on when his birthday is, Dr. Nussbaum was probably only around 8 or 9 when he first started medical school.
  • Comically Missing the Point: When Josh tells Drake impersonating a doctor is illegal, Drake tells him that he is not impersonating a doctor, he is pretending to be one, not understanding it is basically the same thing.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Drake never considered the fact that he might get caught when the real Dr. Nussbaum shows up at hospital. When the latter does, Drake almost gets arrested for pretending to a doctor.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Drake doesn't realize the barrel of his potato bazooka is pointed at Josh while loading it (a job that should really be done outside it could've broken something) and accidentally fires a potato at Josh while he's lifting his barbell, causing the latter to smash his foot with it.
  • I Warned You: Josh’s prediction that Drake will get arrested if the actual doctors find out about him pretending to be a doctor almost comes true when Dr. Nussbuam shows up, with Dr. Carlson even asking him if he knows that he can go to prison for doing so.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Drake fakes being a doctor to go on dates with cute nurses and gets a broken arm when he tries to escape from the cops when he gets caught.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Not really a disguise, but Drake is mistaken by all of the doctors and nurses to be Dr. Nussbaum. When Nussbaum appears, however, it's clear he and Drake don't look anything alike.
