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Recap / Daria S 5 E 12

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Tom is caught leaving Daria's house late at night after he fell asleep in her room, which leads to a rumor that Daria had sex with him. She starts to question whether she's ready to become sexually active or not.

Meanwhile, Jake struggles with the awkwardness of Daria's supposed situation and the moral issue of promoting a sushi restaurant that gave him a nasty parasite.


  • Brick Joke: In the middle of the episode, Daria and Jane start a rumor that Quinn's got a rare toe fungus that's rotting her foot. By the end, Quinn angrily asks how she got on the mailing list for a magazine that sells prosthetic toes.
  • But I Would Really Enjoy It: While in the end, Daria decides that she just isn't ready for sex, Tom respects her wishes and doesn't push the matter any further... but he also makes it clear that if she does decide that she's ready, he's completely on board.
    Tom: I was perfectly happy with our relationship just the way it was.
    Daria: [skeptical] "Perfectly" happy?
    Tom: Ok, very content.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Subverted. While it's perfectly normal and basic sex education, Daria freaks out when Tom reveals that he has a condom in his wallet, making her think that Tom is always ready to have sex anytime. Tom promptly calls her out about her overreacting.
  • Discreet Dining Disposal: Helen could tell from the beginning that the sushi bar from Jake’s client was a nasty hell hole, so she kept hiding her food inside a napkin. This eventually turned out to be a wise decision when Jake finds out that he got a parasite from that place.
  • Funny Background Event: Quinn is on the phone with Stacy when she hears that Tom spent the night in Daria's room. When she shares this news with Stacy, Stacy starts sobbing loudly.
  • Gossipy Hens: The Fashion Club spreads it to the rest of the school that Daria supposedly did it with Tom, thanks to Quinn telling Stacy. Daria and Jane pay Quinn back by loudly whispering within earshot of Kevin and Brittany that Quinn has "Malaysian toenail fungus."
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Quinn is responsible for spreading the rumor that Daria had Tom in her room all night, and even refuses to talk to Daria about it. Since Daria can't confront Quinn about the mess she caused, Daria decides that the best revenge is to spread another rumor that Quinn has a rare "Malaysian toenail fungus", and this makes everyone forget about her to focus on Quinn instead. By the end of the episode, Quinn keeps getting a lot of pamphlets from podiatrists, fungus treatments, and prosthetic toes.
  • Lethal Chef: Jake and Helen have dinner at a sushi restaurant that Jake wants to represent as an agent. The owner's not only an obnoxious blowhard, but Jake ends up getting a parasite from the food and the doctor mentions this is the third case he's dealt with from that particular establishment.
  • Let's Wait a While: In the end, Daria and Tom decide to wait, because she is still feeling very insecure about it.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Jodie tries to reassure Daria that there's nothing to be ashamed about having sex. Then Daria asks if she's willing to talk about her relationship with Mack.
    Jodie: "I promise: soon as my parents are dead, I'll tell you all about it"
  • Properly Paranoid: Helen covertly didn't eat any of the sushi she was served at Tokyo Toby's, which spared her from getting a parasite like Jake did.
  • Their First Time: After everyone thinks Daria and Tom had sex, when they really just fell asleep, Daria starts thinking about doing it for real with him. During the episode she goes back and forth about the issue, even stanling Tom up at one point.
  • Too Much Information:
    • Thinking Daria's phone call is about her night with Tom, Jane is all ears, as long as she spares her the "squishier details". Daria has no idea what she's talking about.
    • In the next scene, Daria tries to set the record straight with Quinn, who started the rumor about her and Tom. Quinn doesn't want to hear the "sordid details" about what "coupled people do", and hastens out without letting Daria get a word in.
  • Understanding Boyfriend: Despite Daria constantly flip-flopping on the topic of sex, to the point she even stood him up and sent him a letter breaking up with him, Tom understands that she is just scared. He doesn't get mad when Daria tells him to wait.
