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Recap / A Red Rose in the Blue Wind, "New World - New Adventure"

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It would have been another adventure for Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends as they board the ARK to thwart Dr. Eggman yet again... again... However, the Mad Doctor turns out to have something other than world domination on his mind today and the results see both parties heading to an entirely new world for bettor or worse.

Tropes for this chapter:

  • Action Prologue: The story opens with Sonic and the gang fighting through Eggman's forces before they get to Remnant.
  • Continuity Nod: After Sonic comments on how his adventures always involve Eggman losing control of something and him turning into Super Sonic to stop it, Orbot and Cubot how Eggman had nothing to do with the Black Arms invasion.
  • Deconstructed Trope: Of Strictly Formula. Akin to Samurai Jack's "Jack vs. Aku", Sonic points out to Eggman in the first chapter about how formulaic their encounters have become with The Good Guys Always Win and Eggman's tendency to lose control over whatever Sealed Evil in a Can he unleashes before asking if they can skip the Final Boss phase and just have him surrender for once. In this instance, Eggman agrees as his motivation for the entire scheme is to move to Remnant and start the Eggman Empire there so he doesn't have to do the same song and dance with Sonic.
    "I mean, there's already a pattern to this whole thing. You get this big idea to conquer the world and/or universe; you invent some crazy new contraption, or find a way to harness alien technology, cosmic energy, or some ancient Aztec whatever; I show up to try and stop you, sometimes bringing my friends along, even make new ones; we fight, big explosions; then when you and I go at it, whatever you've been messing around with proves to be too much for you to handle and ends up unleashing some kind of giant Lovecraftian monster or something that threatens to destroy the world and/or universe, and I gotta bust out the Chaos Emeralds and go gold to clean the mess you made, sometimes you even help out; then we get the big explosive finale and you run off shouting something like 'I'll be back, Sonic the Hedgehog', and we get a couple months off before we do the same thing all over again. Did I miss something?"
  • Expecting Someone Taller: The Ace-Ops' reaction to encountering Sonic.
  • I Am Not Weasel: The townspeople that Sonic saves initially mistook him for a Faunus, even though he has no idea of the term.
  • Mythology Gag: The entire set up of Remnant is a nod to the first episode of Sonic X, down to including a flying vehicle with a spotlight trying to catch him; replace the Earth's police and the Speed team with the Ace-Ops. In particular, Sonic's backward running feat as well as his "sonic boom".
  • You Can't Thwart Stage One: We wouldn't have a story if Sonic and friends had managed to stop Eggman from warping his forces to Remnant.
