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Quotes / Threshold Guardians

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    Anime And Manga 
"Will you open the next door, or not? Will you train your fangs to be a sword, or not?"

Link: Who are you!? Why do you keep appearing before me?
Hero's Shade: You determine who I am. If you rot away here, then I am the God of Death. If you survive... I may gain a different name.

    Films - Live Action 

Bridgekeeper: Stop. Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see.
Sir Lancelot: Ask me the questions, bridgekeeper. I am not afraid.
Bridgekeeper: What... is your name?
Sir Lancelot: My name is Sir Lancelot of Camelot.
Bridgekeeper: What... is your quest?
Sir Lancelot: To seek the Holy Grail.
Bridgekeeper: What... is your favourite colour?
Sir Lancelot: Blue.
Bridgekeeper: Right. Off you go.

Ahchoo: Look, Robin, you don't have to do this. I mean, this ain't exactly the Mississippi. Look. [hopping from bank to bank] I'm on one side. I'm on the other side. I'm on the east bank, I'm on the west bank. It's not that critical.
Robin: It's the principle of the thing.
Ahchoo: Been nice knowing you.


"When a traveler cannot find a path, sometimes he must make his own."
Elder Whisper, Cradle Series

Who rides straight forward shall know both hunger and cold.
Who rides to the right shall live, though his steed be dead.
Who rides to the left shall die, though his steed shall live.

    Live Action TV 

"How do you know the chosen ones? No greater love hath a man than he lay down his life for his friend. Not for millions, not for glory, not for fame... for one person. In the dark. Where no one will ever know or see. I've been in the service of the Vorlons for centuries, looking... Diogenes with his lamp looking for a man willing to die for all the wrong reasons. At last, my job is finished."
Sebastian, Babylon 5

    Video Games 

(after entering a roiling door of shadow, Dante sees his own shadow rise up from the floor and take on his Devil Trigger countenance)
Dante: I know why you're here. You're here to ask me some questions. Well too bad, I've already answered them myself. I don't need you anymore.
Doppelganger: (draws its sword)
Dante: Come on, you poser.

    Western Animation 

Star: Oh, great demon thing! What is it that you want from us?
Marco: Wait, are you serious? Ugh. Isn't it painfully obvious that this creep is some sort of bridge troll? He just came up out of the ground to block our path. Over a very rickety bridge, I might add. Now there's gonna be some crazy thing we gotta do to pay the toll. Feed him a goat or something. There's always a thing! Any second, this creep's gonna be all like, [creepy voice] "If you wanna cross my bridge, you must, uh, uh, uh, uh, [couch appears] lift this couch that magically appeared up these thirty stairs!" And then the five of us are gonna try to lift this stupid thing up the stairs, and it's not gonna work, and the creepy guy's gonna be all like—Uh, sorry. What... What's your name?
Abraxacan: Abraxacan.
Marco: Thanks. Then Abraxacan is gonna be all like—and I know this is a bad impression— [creepy voice] "The couch can only be lifted by the right pairing!" Ugh! And we're gonna be all exhausted and stuff. And we're gonna be like, "Duh! It has to be me and Star who lift the couch!" Just us. Because our souls are bonded.
Abraxacan: Bound.
Marco: Thank you. Bound. Together. Anyway... [sighs] Grab an end, Star. Let's get this thing over with.
Tom: Um, I don't know if all that was completely obvious. To me. Maybe I'm alone.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil, "Curse of the Blood Moon"
