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Quotes / The Omniscient

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    Comic Books 
Amenadiel: I am told that you will name your price.
Lucifer: That I may name my price or that I will name it?
Amenadiel: Will.
Lucifer: You'd think part of being omniscient would be knowing when to stop.

    Film — Live Action 
Neo: So she knows, what? Everything?
Morpheus: She would say she knows enough.
The Matrix, on the Oracle

Rizzo the Rat: How do you know what Scrooge is doin'? We're down here and he's up there!
Gonzo: I told you, storytellers are omniscient. I know everything.
Rizzo: (scoffs) Hoity-toity, Mr. Godlike Smarty-Pants.
Gonzo: (after a Beat, looks at the audience) To conduct a proper search, Scrooge was forced to light the lamps.
[the lamps come on inside Scrooge's home]
Rizzo: (also looks at the audience) How does he do that?

"You think you can deceive me? I, who watch all? I, who can sense the flapping of a butterfly's wings a thousand worlds away? Or can hear a cricket passing gas in Niflheim?"
Heimdall, Thor

Lindon: You can see the future?
Eithan: Better! I can see the present.

Susan: You know who I am?
Death: I have a unique memory.
Susan: But I haven't even been CONCEIVED yet.
Death: I did say unique.

"I am so omniscient, if there were to be two omnisciences, I would be both!"

    Video Games 
"No one's watching Delilah now, except you. And me, of course. I see everything. I see forever."
The Outsider, Dishonored

Evil Queen: Magic Mirror on the wall, consume this fool once and for all!
Magic Mirror: Alas, my liege, that I cannot do. I have no power, save answers true.

Question: You have said that J-star and Jagganoth know more of the true nature of world. Since Jadis is the Bearer of The Shape, does she know as much or more than them?
Answer: Jadis knows the most, in fact. Of anyone. Ever.
Kill Six Billion Demons, questions to the author

7 by 10 Players on the Board: Omniscient without omnipotence is a free fall into insanity
64 storm assaults citadel: Only for those that allow power to be a cage
Gundhram the Reader, Belligerent Knight and Amateur Historian: ...I think that, at this point, Jadis would happily beg on hand and knee for a cage; even one constructed from inherent power and inability to grasp it properly. Anything to provide structure, anything to provide reference. Anything that she could grasp; anything to stop her from drowning in the sight of Everything, All at Once...
Ardator, Psychologist of the armchair and philosopher of the lowest order: I suspect that within her exists a storm of perfect apathy. She knows what is, what will be, what has been, everything, everywhere, all at once. She has no free will. She simply knows what will come next, the next step to take, the next movement to perform. She does not make an action, she does an act. She is a bad faith actor of the highest order. She is omniscient, but that only means that she is a train, hurtling down a railroad of certain choice
Kill Six Billion Demons, comments on this page

Jadis: When you were in elementary school, a girl named Sarah Greene died of cancer. You were 8 years old. Nobody sat with her at lunch because she looked weird without her hair. But you could make her laugh. So you felt like it was nice to hang out with her. When she died, your school, Meadows Elementary, held a service, and you thought about how weird it was that you'd never see her again. It stuck with you for a long time.
Allison: That's...
Jadis: Left index finger twitches, slightly.
Allison: !!
Jadis: Incredulous look. Annoyance and surprise. Straightening up, dawning realization. Looks up.
Allison: You-
Jadis: Bites her lip subconsciously, tries to stifle something. Panic, elevated heart rate. Neurotransmitters squirt back and forth. Little electrons bounce off one another. Chemicals. Where do I fit? Where's the lines? I can't even see my own mind!- I can't- Stop.
Allison: STOP!

'Kweng: Breacher beacon detected. Shall I let it transmit?
Admiral Emm: Fine.
'Kweng: It's simple text: "Admiral Emm. The Fleetmind will not interfere in this dispute, but we are watching."
Admiral Emm: Let them watch. We'll finish this in one of the bays.
'Kweng: Oh, hey...there's more text now: "We can watch there, too."
