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Quotes / Screw the Rules, They Broke Them First!

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Try to fight fair, and always keep your hits above the belt.
Unless they try to go for your dick, then rip their nuts off.

“I believe it’s those stories that cause a lot of people who live in the state to say, ‘Never mind, it doesn’t matter,’ ” said Fred Wilson, a youth soccer league director in Danville. “When the governor is telling you one thing and doing something else, the hypocrisy shuts people down. We’ve seen story after story — people throw up their hands and say, ‘Why am I following the rules if you’re not?’ ”

This guy fights dirty, so there's no reason we can't fight dirty, too!
Midna on using arrows to beat the sword-proof King Bulblin, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Anti-Radical: It's too late, Ancap! Your stupid NAP can't save you now!
Ancap: Ah... You know... one thing people don't seem to understand about the NAP... is that if you violate it... [draws double pistols] You lose protection from it!
Anti-Radical: Wh-what?!
Ancap: You should not have aggressed... [pumps him full of holes]

Ryunosuke: Kazuma... Lord van Zieks isn't responsible for your father's death. And he's not the Reaper. He's the defendant and deserving of a fair trial.
Kazuma: You mean like the one my father had?

The Black Whirlwind: Allow me to accept his challenge on your behalf, Master. I will not fail you, and I know my brother's spirit will be satisfied if I take this chance.
Kai Lan: Never! I will not allow a substitution of this sort!
Spirit Monk: There have been other substitutions here, Kai Lan. Mine won't be the first.
Qui: They do have the right, Serpent. You substituted the demon in place of one of your Guild men. You set the precedent yourself.
Kai Lan: Damn you all. Fine, I will fight the shaved bear.

The Devil: If that Mug's brother thinks he can steal my pitchfork, he's got another thing coming.
Henchman: Da, but boss, you can't just kidnap people and bring 'em down here. It's against the rules.
The Devil: Rules?! I don't care about rules! They stole my pitchfork! Half of my powers are tied up in that thing. I can't zap stuff, I can't shoot fire. I can't even teleport!
