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Quotes / A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

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"Fool…What were you thinking? Too bad for you, I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing. Best of luck as a Hollow! Gah hah hah hah hah!"
Petrus of Thorolund, Dark Souls

"See, what I think is you're wolves in sheep's clothing, and in your case, Riley, a bespoke suit."
Person of Interest, "return 0"

"A wolf remains a wolf, even if it has not eaten your sheep."
V.I.N.CENT., The Black Hole

""O Tiger's Heart, Wrapped In A Woman's Hide"

Of their smiles, their smiles of plated gold
Deceit so natural
But a Wolf In Sheep's Clothing is more than a warning
Baa-Baa black sheep, have you any soul?
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jill's a little whore and her alibis are dirty tricks
So could you
Tell me how you're sleeping easy
Show me how you justify
Telling all your lies like second nature
Listen, mark my words, one day
You will pay, you will pay
Karma's gonna come collect your debt
Set It Off, "Wolf In Sheep's Clothing"

Tony Stark: This is absolutely mind-blowing. I mean, Pym and I were out for a drink in Soho a few weeks back and all he could do was talk about how happy he was. Even when I introduced him to that Max Factor girl with the sexy, little learning difficulties, he just bored her to death about what a wonderful woman he was married to.
Betty Ross: He was exactly the same back in college, Tony. All hearts and flowers and love-letters during lectures, and then some days Jan would walk into the cafeteria with chunks missing out of her hair.

Jean Grey: We may see a leafy, old finished school for runaway mutants, but it's only because he allows us to. Due to the professor's telepathic suggestion, everyone else just reads that sign as the Westchester Chapter of the Jehova's Witness and pretty much leave us alone.

As one, the Settlers rise up from the dirt. From their packs and bags they pull out the weapons they smuggled along on the march. Meat cleavers, butcher knives, firearms that the Anasazi smuggled to them from the moment the Quell was announced. Every man, every woman, every child has something to fight with. And when Thread and his peacekeepers see the glint of steel and hear the first gunshots, they understand their last mistake. Look weak, act pathetic, march into the desert like sniveling, cowardly fools. The tributes weren't the only ones who learned a thing or two from Johanna Mason.
Arrow, a spinoff of The Victors Project

Looks like a cinnamon roll - could actually kill you.
