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Playing With / Surefooted Barefooter

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Basic Trope: Someone who Prefers Going Barefoot for increased agility.

  • Straight: Alice is a traceur who Prefers Going Barefoot to be more agile.
  • Exaggerated: Going barefoot allows Alice to pull out physics-defying feats.
  • Downplayed: Alice trains and practices fighting barefoot for easier mobility and traction, but she wears boots for combat.
  • Justified: Alice always trained without shoes. Now, she preforms martial arts and Le Parkour against actual enemies outside of her dojo barefoot since not wearing any shoes helps her better feel the terrain.
  • Inverted: Alice skips around in Boots of Toughness.
  • Subverted: Carol tells Alice that she can go barefoot to help her navigate her environment. But Alice decides to stay shoed and remains very agile nonetheless.
  • Double Subverted: But she kept her mentor’s advice in mind, and when she tries to go barefoot, she decides to stick to it.
  • Zig-Zagged: Alice usually navigates the environment with shoes on and is very agile, but when she does take off her shoes, it’s a sign that she’s taking things seriously.
  • Averted: There are no characters who go around like Tarzan, let alone do so barefoot.
  • Enforced: Carol takes Alice’s shoes away to force her to adapt to going barefoot.
  • Lampshaded: “You’d think she’d hate that dirty, craggy floor with her going barefoot, and there she goes monkeying around like it’s nobody’s business.”
  • Defied: Alice sticks to her shoes to avoid the risk of Agony of the Feet, and trains to do well with them on.
  • Invoked: After doing Le Parkour for years with sneakers on, Alice, who heard about the supposed benefits of practicing barefoot, decides to try.
