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Playing With / Kill Us Both

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Basic Trope: A character asks another to kill them while they are holding an enemy down.

  • Straight: While facing the sinister General Butch, Reuben manages to pin him down, but struggles to keep him down. He askes Alice to shoot him knowing the general would die with him. Reluctantly, she complies.
  • Exaggerated: Reuben was the Tagalong Kid while General Butch was the Dragon Ascendant. The world would be different depending on what Alice did here.
  • Downplayed: By shooting him, Reuben would be severely injured, but he wouldn't be dead. They could still kill the General without losing him.
  • Justified:
    • Reuben knows if they don't eliminate him, he'll destroy the world, so he decides to make a Heroic Sacrifice.
    • The only way General Butch can die is being killed alongside another person.
  • Inverted: Reuben grabs General Butch and tells Alice to heal both of them.
  • Subverted:
    • The shot kills General Butch, but Reuben manages to live and suffer Only a Flesh Wound from it.
    • Reuben dies, but General Butch survives and tosses his dead body over.
    • Alice can't bring herself to kill Reuben despite the circumstances.
  • Double-Subverted:
    • When they get him treated, however, he ends up dying from internal problems.
    • Alice shoots him again while he's still left open.
    • This forces Gentle Giant Lochy to step in as a sacrifice.
    • After Reuben tells her she's only doing what is right, Alice pulls through and shoots him in the back.
  • Parodied: Reuben tries to hold a dog down so Alice can wash it, knowing it would ruin his horrible odor too.
  • Averted:
    • The heroes eliminate General Butch without having to kill Reuben too.
    • Reuben swings General Butch into aim rather than pinning him down.
  • Enforced: "We know Reuben will die in this battle, so let's have him use himself as a vessel for Alice to show how heroic he was."
  • Lampshaded:
    Reuben: All-Loving Hero Alice, I know you said you would kill a villain if it was necessary, but would it be the same for a friend?
  • Invoked: Reuben was a Death Seeker anyway, so this was a good opportunity to pull that off while getting some heroic credit.
  • Exploited:
  • Defied: Reuben asks Alice to throw him the gun so he can shoot him.
  • Discussed:
    Alice: (crying) Reuben, you don't have to do this. Even if it's for the right reason, I'd rather you be alive!
    Reuben: It's okay... I've accepted it.
  • Conversed:
    Charlie: Oh god, Reuben's asking Alice to shoot him... She won't do that, will she?
    Diana: Given how tough General Butch is, this might be their best chance. You saw how he gave a whooping to Alice's older brother, the expert swordsman.
