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Playing With / Kids Hate Vegetables

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Basic Trope: Children don't like eating vegetables.
  • Straight: Bobby is served broccoli and refuses to eat it.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bobby's hatred of broccoli lasts his entire life. He reacts with virulent disgust when served it, even as a grown adult.
    • Every child in Tropesville hates anything related to vegetables.
    • The children of Tropesville plot a genocide against all vegans/vegetarians.
  • Downplayed:
    • Bobby will eat baked potatoes and carrots, but isn't a big fan of other vegetables. He eats them anyway so his parents won't be mad.
    • Bobby won't eat the overcooked vegetables his parents make, but likes celery with peanut butter on it, or broccoli covered in cheese.
  • Justified:
    • Truth in Television: Children's palettes are more sensitive to the bitter tastes in vegetables.
    • Bobby is just a picky eater.
    • The broccoli isn't of ideal quality. Having tried it once, he concluded that broccoli or other similar green stuff means trouble.
  • Inverted: Bobby HATES junk food and favors vegetables.
  • Subverted: I Do Not Like Green Eggs and Ham: Bobby is served vegetables which he initially refuses to eat, but once he tries them, he finds that he enjoys them.
  • Double Subverted: But then it turns out that he was only pretending to like them so his parents would stop complaining, or to get his promised dessert afterward.
  • Parodied: All the children in Tropesville riot over their parents making them eat vegetables.
  • Zig-Zagged: Bobby will eat some vegetables, but not others.
  • Averted: Bobby is neutral to vegetables.
  • Enforced: "Kids are all picky eaters, right?"
  • Lampshaded: "Bobby flat out refuses to eat his greens."
  • Invoked: Bobby acts like he hates vegetables because he knows it's expected of kids his age.
  • Exploited: Bobby is a Bratty Half-Pint who uses his endearing nature as an excuse to turn down vegetables in favor of a more tolerable dish.
  • Defied:
    • Despite finding them disgusting, Bobby is determined to eat his plate of vegetables at a lunch table full of classmates who won't even poke at them, whether to his own advantage or not.
    • Bobby's parents try to make the experience of eating vegetables as positive as possible, in order to encourage him to eat his vegetables.
  • Discussed: "Bobby, why won't you eat your vegetables?", "'Cause I hate 'em."
  • Conversed: "Writers really have to be more original than having kid characters who hate vegetables."
  • Deconstructed: Bobby's parents give up on getting him to eat his vegetables, and he becomes accustomed to consuming junk food well into adulthood. Health problems abound as he suffers from obesity and/or constipation.
  • Reconstructed: Bobby's parents ensure that other parts of his diet are healthy, even if he refrains from eating vegetables.
  • Played For Laughs: Bobby's parents, babysitters, or older siblings are chasing them around the house forcing them to eat the green stuff.
  • Played For Drama: Bobby has an eating disorder or allergy which makes him opposed to eating vegetables.
  • Played For Horror: Bobby has Abusive Parents who threaten to harm him if he doesn't eat his vegetables.

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