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Playing With / Invisible Streaker

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Basic Trope: Invisibility that doesn't affect items the character touches, such as clothing.

  • Straight: Alice becomes invisible, but not her clothing, which appears as if it's floating in midair.
  • Exaggerated: Alice must stay religiously clean and avoid eating things before a mission, as dirt/grime on her body and food in her digestive tract are visible.
  • Downplayed: Alice's suit is also super. However, it's also Stripperiffic, so she's still not quite decent without the invisibility.
  • Justified: As the ability affects Alice's body, it stands to reason that clothing wouldn't be affected.
  • Inverted:
    • Invisibility Cloak, where Alice can't turn invisible without wearing a certain clothing item.
    • Much to her embarrassment, Alice gets the superpower to turn only her clothing, and not her body, invisible.
  • Subverted: Alice's power doesn't affect her clothes, but there are special, invisible clothes that can be worn.
  • Double Subverted: Alice has invisible clothes but loses them because she can't see them.
  • Parodied:
    • "What are you talking about? I promised to make you invisible. I did. You said nothing about your pants."
    • It turns out you don't need to be nude to become invisible … but no one told Alice.
    • Bob convinces Alice that if she strips down, she'll become invisible, and gets her to streak the Homecoming Game.
    • Alice doesn't eat before a mission since the enemies would be able to see the food in her stomach and know where she is. However, during the mission her stomach constantly growls loudly from hunger, so the enemies have no problem finding her anyway.
  • Zig-Zagged: The magic that turns the character invisible lasts significantly longer if the character doesn't wear clothing.
  • Averted: Whatever Alice is wearing or has swallowed turns invisible along with her.
  • Enforced: It's a workable way to provide fetish material in family-friendly works.
  • Lampshaded:
    • "Let me guess. Someone has to sneak in while invisible and turn off the MacGuffin machine."
      "[Sigh] Hold my dress."
    • "How does it feel being invisible?"
      "Kinda drafty, actually."
  • Invoked:
    • Alice could make invisible clothing, but doesn't care enough, not least because she'd have trouble finding said clothes.
    • Alice doesn't technically need to be naked, but hey, like anyone's going to notice.
    • "What, invisible clothing? What a complete waste of resources."
  • Exploited:
    • The Big Bad uses a Power Nullifier to embarrass Alice by making her suddenly visible.
    • Everyone expect this trope to be in effect when it actually isn't. Alice strips to use her power most of the time, but suddenly goes invisible with her power whilst fully clothed, allowing her to catch people off guard.
  • Defied:
    • "Ah, let me guess, Vanishing Cream. I'll rub this on myself and then poof, I'm invisible, my dress isn't, and I'll be stuck that way until someone makes an antidote. I. Think. Not."
    • Alice refuses to use her invisibility by stripping naked, so she simply uses a cloaking device to prevent her clothes from being seen.
  • Discussed: "She's invisible, right? But … we can't see her clothes. So she's … wearing … Oooh! Sweet!"
  • Conversed: "How come every G or PG movie has the invisibility potion turn the hero's pants invisible? You'd think a potion would just kinda leave him invisible, ya know what I mean?"
  • Implied: Alice, who is known to have invisibility powers but never seen using them, says she only gets nude under very special circumstances — and she makes it clear she isn't referring to bathing.
  • Deconstructed: Due to her nudity, Alice gets cold, and she shivers so much that the sound of it enables others to find her, thus making her invisibility pointless.
  • Reconstructed: Alice only uses her invisibility for stealth purposes in warm climates.
  • Played for Drama:
    • No clothes means no armor, turning Alice into a Glass Cannon against the enemy's weapons.
    • Alice gets frostbite from walking in the snow naked and almost freezes to death.
    • Alice is a sexual abuse victim who hates being naked.
  • Played for Laughs:
    • Alice, never realizing her clothes are still visible, is constantly confused at how people can see her when she's invisible.
    • Alice's power comes off at the worst time: as she's sneaking across the stage during her school play.
  • Played for Horror: Alice's power comes off at the worst time; as she is sneaking through the Mooks' barracks in Evulz's lair. They chase Alice with intent of raping her, who has to outrun them, hide or reactivate her invisibility.

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