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Playing With / Angry Chef

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Basic Trope: A chef has notable anger.

  • Straight: Head Chef Alice yells at her subordinates over small mistakes.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice is more irritable when the kitchen is busy, but won't get mean unless provoked.
    • Alice is normally even-tempered, but she will yell at a subordinate who does something stupid like handling raw meats and vegetables at the same time.
  • Justified:
    • Alice's job, being hot, busy, and time sensitive, is really stressful.
    • Alice's subordinates are hard to work with.
    • The work features an Ensemble Cast and is set entirely within a kitchen. Odds are, at least one person out of the bunch is gonna be angry.
    • Poor handling of food is a serious health risk - her job is high stakes.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice is notably level-headed, even during high stress situations.
    • Sweet Baker.
  • Subverted:
    • Shouting is heard from within the kitchen. Surely, one of the chefs is furious, but it turns out, it was actually coming from a dishwasher.
    • Alice is first introduced chewing out another chef for overcooking the potatoes. However, it soon becomes clear Alice is usually much friendlier, with this simply being the straw that broke the camel's back.
  • Double Subverted:
    • ...Said dishwasher is furious that they can't cook because they had to cover for someone who didn't show up.
    • ...It later turns out, Alice is very angry in her personal life, but tries to put up a cheerful front on the job.
  • Parodied:
    • Alice throws knives at the slightest provocation. No one sees anything wrong with this, and she is considered a world class chef.
    • Alice seeks out apprentices not based on cooking experience, but by finding people with a fiery temper.
    • Alice doesn't even need an oven. She has fire powers thanks to her fiery temper, and uses them to cook food by getting sufficiently pissed off.
  • Zig-Zagged: In-Universe, Alice is a TV personality. She's slow to anger in real life, but plays it up for the cameras.
  • Averted: Alice is neither a chef nor an angry person.
  • Enforced:
    • The producers landed a special guest appearance from a real-life angry chef and want to feature her in the capacity she is best known for.
    • Alice's anger is used to explain why an otherwise optimistic Bob hates his job.
  • Lampshaded: "If you wanna work in the kitchen, expect more yelling from people like me!"
  • Invoked: Alice uses fear of her wrath as a way to keep everyone in line.
  • Exploited: Alice's outbursts make her an easy Scapegoat because no one likes her enough to stand up for her.
  • Defied:
    • Alice's culinary academy required her to take anger management classes before she could graduate.
    • One of Alice's subordinates, Joe, grabs her by the collar after one chew out too many:
    Joe: Listen up, you whiny fucking bitch. Do you think you're the only sorry fuck in this shithole of a kitchen getting stressed the fuck out? I'm this fucking close to snapping, grabbing the nearest fucking weapon, and going on a complete fucking murder spree. Now, unless you want this goddamn restaurant to go down in fucking flames, I highly, HIGHLY, advise you to stop treating us like fucking shit. You got that, or do I have to grab this here fucking knife and gut you like a fish first just to get my point across?
  • Discussed: "I know the kitchen is pretty stressful to work in, but even then, Alice is very hard to please."
  • Conversed: "I don't want to work in culinary - too many angry people."
  • Implied: Several cooking utensils are thrown out of the kitchen at high speeds - too far apart to simply be explained by an accident.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice's anger kills morale, only causing even more mistakes within the kitchen.
    • One of Alice's subordinates has a Hair-Trigger Temper and kills Alice in a fit of rage.
  • Reconstructed: Alice learns how to channel her anger better. She becomes much less stressful to work with, but her non-hesitance to chew people out for code violations ensures no one gets too lax where health and safety are concerned.
  • Played for Laughs: Alice's subordinates are super incompetent and unlikeable, so her tirade of insults is used to poke fun at their failures.
  • Played for Drama: Alice's anger is a source of stress for her imperfect but well meaning subordinates.
  • Played for Horror: Alice isn't just angry, but outright lethal. Her subordinates are all too desperate to just leave their jobs, and yet they are in constant fear for their lives.

No! That is unacceptable! You don't know anything about cooking! Get out of the kitchen and go back to the main page until you know what the hell you're doing!
