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Nightmare Fuel / Starshine Legacy

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Your kid brother has a new favorite big sister now!

Nightmare Fuel. No pun intended.

Starshine Legacy may seem like a innocent horse riding game but if you're think It's harmless, then you couldn't be more wrong. 2/3 of the game is filled with Dark Levels, sinsiter or downright scary music and evil men who are trying to capture you.

The Mystery of The Soulriders

  • Sabine is trying to make Herman kill Starshine and when she fails Mr. Sands is trying to make him sell the horse for him. Any horse owners who truly love their steed would be frightened when he/she would be sick then some stranger comes and trying to force the owner of the stables to kill/sell him/her and It’s only up to them, whether they’ll do It or not.
  • The third level. You have to find Linda who is Library, then go back and find five books around the school. Sounds easy right? Well how about doing It in the dark. Without getting caught by the Janitor. With a flashlight. Oh, and – unless you mute the game – you have to listen this song.
    • The game also has two very disturbing sound effects: The Janitor's humming and the creepy loud effect when you open the library to the door. One could find weird that when you open It, why can't the Janitor hear you...
  • Your friend calls. Your beloved animal companion – who you are forced to leave despite he/she is sick – gets stolen. Nuff said!
  • The Industrial Complex. Avoid getting caught by the searchlights. Check. Don’t fall into the bizarre sewer water. Check. Listen creepy sound effects. Check. Don’t get caught by the Goons who growl when they see you and unleash their disturbingly creepy Evil Laugh, if they catch you.
  • Level 6. A creepy human being is chasing you and the way to the forest is filled with Bottomless Pits, obstacles (Like falling rocks), and creepy sound effects. And if you get caught by Cloak Rider she let’s out a nightmarish screech.

The Secret of Pine Hill Mansion

  • Despite the two girls managed to go to the Pine Hill Mansion without Herman’s permission – and he doesn’t seem too worried about not even when they arrive late, it's still terrifying.
    • Linda and Lisa eavesdrop that Mr. Sands is sending two Goons to kill Herman. What if they failed to get there on time?
  • If you didn't turned off the audio, in the background you can hear the Goons singing the exact same tune as the Janitor did? Evil All Along betrayal or absend-minded Sound Effect creators? I'll let you decide.
  • Despite Linda’s optimism Meteor has a good point that their story in the Dam could’ve ended really badly.
    • Also, let’s not forget that the timer for the bomb was set, meaning even if they "miraculously" survive the fall there is no way they would make it if the bomb explodes.

The Legend of Pandoria

  • Again, your horse gets sick. Your friend (who has healing powers) is trying to help but even she fails.
    • Similary to the Dam level, the obstacles that Anne jumped (without her horse) can really tire a human, meaning the rate of successfully jumping could decrease with each jump.
  • Pandoria. A disturbing dimension filled with pink and purple flower and mushroom stones... Wait WHAT? Which creator forgot, not to use drugs during designing the levels?!
  • And then there is The Strange Camera. Like The Library this one is a Stealth-Based Mission with two exception. You have to find six Super Sonic Solar Cells while avoiding about seven Goons. (Four of them are irrelevant, but still) And after Concorde told you that "he has a bad feeling", they start to run around like crazy. The way they running around flashing their flashlight are kinda scary to say at least.
  • When Jessica finds the amount of pictures she needs, she can take control of Anne and Concorde. Yeah, that would've been creepy.
  • In the Dark Core level if you're leave your horse in front of the wooden box and stay on horseback for a few minutes you might be in for a Jump Scare.

The Riddle Of Dark Core

  • Cross-Country Race. In place called Scarecrow Mountain. At night. Nuff said.
  • Alex's mother looks really disturbing.
  • The infamous vision about Katja (serves as the Page Image above). After the usual "creepy bells" what alert you in case of a vision vision, we can see the usually gruff girl grinning deviously looking straight into your eyes while holding James tightly - who is apparently unconscious WITH HIS EYES WIDE OPEN.
  • Each time you use the Soul Strike, you literally commit murder. The person you've shot is never going to come back and there is no way to revive them. Sure they are the bad guys, who are trying to kill you. Or are they? Don't forget that Lisa's dad works in the Dark Core as well. And he is called that they need him in the Garnok Project. That could mean two things. 1) While you are trying to save the world you most likely killed the father of your best friend. 2) Even if you didn't, this proves that not all Goons are evil. Some may can't find job other than this one and they only work for the evil oragnization just so they can support they family. And you're killed them. Ouch.
  • Mr. Sands in the Garnok project aka. the already creepy old-looking villain turned up to eleven. His left eye is gone and replaced by a green ball, he completely lost his hair and the ability to stand. The rest of his body is filled with creases and a weird green fluid pours into his body from his neck.
    • If put the information Linda found in the Library about Sands being more than 100 years old, what Fripp said about that Garnok's generals can change themselves and when Mr. Sands says that his powers are weaker, It could make perfect sense that this is his true 100 years old form.
  • The Devil's Gap. It's practically the Forest from the first game up to eleven both in terms of creepiness and diffculty. On the way you can hear the exact creepy howling sound, what you have heard there and you are most likely so high that you can't see the bottom. And when you have to race against Katja, you can see bunch of red tentacles trying to grab the air, but as soon as you - or Katja - get closer they back off.


  • Pretty much all of the soundtracks but especially "Searching for Clues" and "Industrial Complex" because these playing in the background "when you have to find things in the dark" or "walk around a dangerous place"
  • Goons overall are quite unnerving at least.
