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Nightmare Fuel / Reservoir Dogs

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Mr. Freaking Blonde. Every time he's onscreen, there's an undeniable sense of unease. Nobody disputes Mr. White's claim that he's a complete psychopath, and even Mr. Pink rules him out as the rat specifically because he's just too damn nutty for the very idea he'd betray them to the police to be remotely plausible.
    • According to Mr. White, as soon as things started to go downhill, he immediately began shooting random civilians, one of whom was a girl in her early twenties at most.
  • The infamous torture scene. The poor officer has already been duct taped to a chair by a group of professional criminals who will not hesitate to resort to murder if need be, and now he's been left in the company of the most psychotic and unstable member of the group. Things start out bad enough when Mr. Blonde starts playing and dancing along to "Stuck in the Middle With You" to mess with him, but then he takes things further when he gets down to business and cuts the guy's ear off. And then, to put the cherry on top, he goes outside, grabs a can of gasoline, and then gets ready to light him on fire.
  • Mr. Brown's death. He gets shot in the head, and still tries to drive off to evade the cops, but suffers severe cognitive impairment and is unable to see, dying soon after.
  • Mr. White ruthlessly gunning down a pair of cops when they catch up to himself, Mr. Orange, and Mr. Brown. For most of the movie, Mr. White is portrayed as a tough but generally compassionate gangster, but here we see just how dangerous and ruthless he can be. Worse still, he does so with a calm and cold expression on his face. Mr. Orange can only watch in horror as the man who he bonded with kills Orange's fellow officers.
  • The noises of pain that Mr. Orange makes during the opening credits. Even before you see that he's been shot, you know that things have gone pretty bad, pretty fast.
  • Really, the entire gut shot sequence in general. Roth does a fantastic job of portraying the pain from that type of wound, and he sufferes with it for most of the film. Also, seeing ALL the blood that Orange leaks coming down that ramp is stomach churning. We can also see him become pale from the blood loss, and seemingly the only reason he stops making painful noises during the sequence where White, Pink, and Blonde deal with Nash and talk to Eddie is because he's passed out from the pain, the blood loss, or a combination of both.
