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Nightmare Fuel / Princess Chroma

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  • The Monochromes in general are a disturbing lot, especially the still-concealed Big Bad, Lord Shade.
  • June's Unstoppable Rage in Chapter Four, and the way she tears open the banana monochrome's guts. The mooshy banana gore is more disturbing than regular blood and guts, thanks to the ironic disconnect.
  • The void that the team is stuck in is disturbing on its own, but once they actually find something, it goes straight into Spiders Are Scary territory. The artist's research of actual black widow spiderlings makes it all the more frightening.
  • Leopold's spider venom-induced hallucinations, where the normally innocuous Randall appears as a grotesque Monochrome who tells him off about his failure to protect anyone, voicing all of Leopold's conscious and subconscious fears and shame.
  • Chapter 12 ends with Julio killing June by cutting her head off.
