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Tear Jerker / Princess Chroma

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  • In Chapter 5, Spiders' expression when he admits that he's too exhausted to fly. He's the one character who might actually know what's going on, but his body is too weak to do anything about it, and he's just as scared and helpless as the rest of the kids.
  • Though all the details have yet to be revealed, it seems clear that the original Chroma died well before her time, and both King Brunswick and Leopold carry deep survivor's guilt about this. Despite Brunswick's more ambiguous behavior, he clearly loved his sister and it's heartbreaking to see him standing over her grave.
  • The end of "Breakthrough" has a gut-wrenching shot of Leopold looking over the covered body of Chroma in tears. Later on the page, a narrative caption right afterwards indicates that Chroma is still around, watching over him. But we can see the visceral grief and shame Leopold/Spiders carries with him to this date.
