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Nightmare Fuel / Duck Season

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There's no doubt that Duck Season is creepy. Well, it's a nightmare rendition of a classic game that involves a dog we all love to hate. In any case, this game has some content that will spring forth a few nightmares.

  • In the Canon Ending, you're treated to a graphic scene of the Dog spazzing out and exploding into red 'cubes'
    • In the same ending, you have to bury your own mother...
  • After about three rounds, you're sent into some kind of weird drug trip, the creepiest part of which is the dog... dancing in the kitchen.
  • The last scene of the Nuke Ending is the Dog walking up behind the child...
    • Averted if you peek behind the logo and discover that the Dog is... embracing the child.
  • Just watching the game literally breaking down bit by bit as you further antagonise the dog.
  • The Signature Scene of the dog watching you though the window. You're just sitting there, when all of a sudden the game shows a boy sitting down. Then you slowly realize that the boy is following your movements.
  • The mystery surrounding specific items and their interactions with the Kid Wizard book. None of it is explained, and all of it hints to something disconcerting.
  • Occasionally when looking outside the TV from within the game, you will see the dog standing directly behind the kid. The dog will quickly hide behind the couch when he sees you looking at him.
  • The very end of the game, where after beating the Dog in-game, he comes after you in the real world. You're alone in a pitch-black house, scanning through the dark wondering where the Dog is hiding, while a glitchy version of the game's commercial repeats on the television. Then the sound stops... and the music becomes a creepy drone that gets louder and louder as the Dog emerges from your bathroom, knife in hand. And he will stab you to death if you don't shoot him with the light gun enough times.
  • The 'Tape 12'. Initially, it plays out like a tape playing from the P.O.V. of what appears to be someone in the Dog costume opening the door and seeing the child playing "Duck Season" on his console. Initially, it sounds non-suspicious (after all, it could be just a parent checking on their kid), and then the video skips to the scene where the same person from P.O.V. is now right behind the child. The tape is now more glitchy, the "Duck Season" main theme starts repeating on the loop, and the hand and the camera slowly approach the child. The loop starts playing louder and gets supported by glitchy audio as the camera and the hand come closer and closer to the child, until it grabs the child by the back of his head as the video ends in the Snowy Screen of Death. In case you still don't realize it now, it was the Dog's P.O.V., and the child was its another victim. And there is also the fact that the tape itself is covered in the blood markings.
