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Nightmare Fuel / Death end re;Quest

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The game isn't kidding when it provides a Graphic Content warning when turning it on. SPOILERS ARE UNMARKED!

Death end re;Quest

  • A lot of the Bad Endings don't go beyond, "We made the wrong choice and died for it," but the ones that do...
    • "IRIS": Arata is left for dead by the Cult, but turns out he's alive, and he tried to get back to Sumika...only to be revealed that the Cult Leader set it all up to track Arata's base. After failed intervention by Sumika the Leader proceeds to stab Sumika, who's on top of Arata, and then do it again, and again...and again and again and again even after Arata tearfully tells him to stop after giving him location of IRIS.
    • "A Sacred Execution": Lily is Impaled with Extreme Prejudice multiple times as she's repeatedly nailed to a cross all over her body.
    • "Step Into My Parlor": The giant spider-like Entoma Queen captures all of the party members in her webs where her larva proceed to eat them alive!
    • "Shall We Dance?": Lucil has killed the rest of the party and, in having gone Laughing Mad, uses magic to turn their corpses into puppets and make them dance, dismembering them further. It parallels a very similar scene in Ultra Despair Girls. This even leads to Arata going Laughing Mad.
    • "Time is of the Essence:" A perfect example of what happens when Convection, Schmonvection is removed and all of the girls die a slow, agonizing death by heat inside of a volcano as their clothes catch fire, their flesh begins to melt, and they remain conscious through most of it. It's the only time where Shiina herself even begs, "Please kill me!"
  • Cold-Blooded Torture is apparently Victor's favorite past-time. Arata gets off quite easily and relatively unharmed compared to what what happens to Rin. On the opposite end of the spectrum, we never do find out exactly what he did to Munakata.

Death end re;Quest 2

  • The scene where Shina is sacrificed by Midra, where Shina is hacked apart and crying again, and again, and again and again and again. The chosen friend has to force Mai, who desperately begs to stop the video, to continue, since it contains important clue. And no, this is not a Bad End.
