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Nightmare Fuel / Bull

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The film:

  • Bull's death. Beaten down inside an old trailer which is doused with gasoline and set on fire, cue Bull jumping out with his entire body ablaze, screaming in agony. It only stops when Norm fires a few shotgun rounds into him when he finally falls limp. A very nasty way to go.
    • His son's reaction is this but also very heartbreaking. Imagine yourself as a child and you hear screams of anguish and you look over to investigate to find your own father being burned alive, by the very people who made you think you could trust them no less. As Bull's body burns, we are treated to his son's horrified screams as he calls out to him.
  • Bull himself is easily one of the most terrifying and brutal examples of a Papa Wolf, having been separated from his son for ten years and being back-stabbed by people he worked with, it's really no wonder he went completely ballistic.
  • The twist ending which reveals Bull's real fate. The pure black eyes on Bull's sullen face as he walks out the church, before the film flashes scenes of him murdering his associates, this time with the black eyes shown, treating us to a plentiful amount of Nightmare Faces, especially when he screams at his ex-wife to look at him. The worst part is that the scenes alone imply that if those soulless black eyes were what the gang associates were seeing the whole time, then it's really no wonder why they were scared shitless of Bull.
