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Rarity Tropes

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This is an index for tropes about rarity and rare things. Surprisingly, they aren't Too Rare To Index.

Not to be confused with Too Rare to Trope, nor with a certain fashion-obsessed pony.



  • Absurdly Exclusive Recruiting Standards: It's rare for anyone to get into this group.
  • Commonplace Rare: An item that's easy to find in real life is rare in a video game.
  • Endangered Pest: A species whose rarity causes significant problems because it's in the way.
  • Endangered Species: A species that only has so many specimens that are still living.
  • Gender-Inverted Trope (a.k.a. "Rare Male Example" and "Rare Female Example")
  • Junk Rare: A rare item that lacks value.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: A movie or television show that hasn't been made available for home media, with only bootleg recordings through unofficial distribution channels the only way to access them.
  • Last One's Ploy: A character abuses their status as an endangered species to receive legal protection.
  • Oddly Common Rarity: A person is supposed to be unique, but there are a lot of people who share many of the attributes and characteristics they have.
  • Only Electric Sheep Are Cheap: Natural goods are rare and a sign of wealth.
  • Power Equals Rarity: Powerful beings and weapons are made rare to lower the chances of them easily overpowering others.
  • Random Drop: Items obtained from defeated video game enemies don't always appear when you kill them.
  • Rare Random Drop: Items left from defeated enemies that have a low chance of happening.
  • Terminally Exclusive Club: When a group has a set of requirements that are (or will become) impossible for new members to fulfill
  • Too Awesome to Use: Someone has a weapon or power they can only use once, but it's so cool they never take the opportunity to use it.
  • Unobtainium: A rare substance that is used as a power source.
  • Variant Cover: A comic book issue has limited printings of a different cover.
